⋆ writing social anxiety

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o. writing help!

' to help you depict
social anxiety
the right way in
your story '



social anxiety is the fear of social situations and the interaction with other people. it is the fear and anxiety of being judged and/or evaluated by others. people struggling with it feel anxious in social situations, but feel better when they are alone. recently, it has been classified as the third largest psychological disorder in the united states alone, and the rate for developing it is around 14 percent.

it is put into two groups - generalized and specific. specific social anxiety is when the person is anxious in a specific setting only, such as speaking in large groups, but if comfortable in other social situations. someone with generalized social anxiety is uncomfortable in a majority of social situations.


being introduced to other people, being teased or criticized, being the center of attention, being watched while doing something, meeting important people, social encounters with strangers, going around a room and having to say something, and personal relationships are all situations in which a person with social anxiety will certainly experience emotional distress.

their feelings during encounters may include, but are not limited to: self-consciousness, judgment, inferiority, embarrassment, confusion, pounding heart, sweating, shaking, blushing, upset stomach, trembling, and a feeling of intense fear.


a lot of people with social anxiety feel being embarrassed or humiliated, so that prevents them from going out of their way to interact with other people in a social situation. they're afraid that what they say might be perceived as "stupid" and that they might embarrass themselves.

when you expose someone with social anxiety to the situation they fear, you will most likely trigger their anxiety. forcing someone to speak in a public setting when they're afraid will probably trigger their anxiety. these situations could lead to a panic attack.

therefore, someone with social anxiety will probably avoid situations they know will lead to them being uncomfortable or distressed. the intense feeling that someone gets when they have anxiety can be extremely overwhelming and most people will avoid whatever triggers it. the person might also KNOW how irrational they're being, but it's not that easy to stop feeling anxiety. it's not something you can turn on and off.

for some reason, a character with social anxiety is usually portrayed as a person with a quirky trait that only makes them more desirable. they are written as shy, which is not necessarily true to people with social anxiety. people with social anxiety don't hate social contact, they just find it difficult. they are able to connect with other people, especially people they feel comfortable with, so they are not always complete shut ins. new situations and experiences might set off their anxiety, along with meeting and interacting with new people.

HOWEVER, social anxiety is different for everyone. make sure you do your research!!


hey everyone, i hope this
helped and i hope you
all had a great day today

i hate to be that person
but i'm going to be them
right now okay, but i
finally posted my peter
parker fic, so y'all should
check it out thank you!!

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