Chapter 13

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Shawn's POV

Walking into the kitchen as I rubbed my eyes, everyone's eyes averted over to me as I just stopped dead in my tracks looking around the room at Josiah, Madison and Amanda around the island.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked wiping my cheeks.

"No just having a conversation." Amanda smiled.

I walked over to the fridge getting some eggs out and a bottle of water as I began to cook myself up some breakfast.

"Want some eggs, hun?" I asked looking over at Amanda as I stirred them in the pan.

"Sure." She smiled. I cracked a couple more in the pan as I was making scrambled eggs for myself. They finished quickly as I put them in the bowl I had laid out for us before walking over and setting it down in front of her.

"Thanks." She whispered as I kissed her temple while sitting down beside her.

We finished up the eggs as I grabbed our bowls washing them quickly before putting them away and walking back over to her. I stood behind her as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders leaning my head on top of hers.

"What should we do for today?" I asked as she intertwined her fingers with my hand that was snaked around her chest. "It is your last day here." I frowned.

"I am flying out to LA to meet up with you after, it's not like it will be our last time seeing each other." She chuckled turning around in the chair.

She opened her legs so that I could squeeze in between as I had my hands resting on her upper thighs.

"I know but we're in Jamaica right now. Let's make it special." I smiled.

"Ok well I don't care what we do, as long as we're together right?" She said letting out a cute giggle.

"I guess." I nodded. "I have an idea." I smirked picking her up off the chair as a tiny screech erupted from her mouth.

"Get a room lovebirds!" Madison yelled as I carried her into the room lightly tossing her on the bed.

"Get dressed. I'm taking you somewhere." I smiled.

"Where?" She asked.

"Doesn't matter. Just get dressed." I chuckled.


We had arrived at the place as I pulled into a parking spot parking the car. I had also brought along Josiah and Madison because they wanted to come as well.

"Wait." She smiled getting out of the car. "Are we going in a helicopter?" She asked.

"Yup." I chuckled taking her hand in mine. She let out a little squeal as she jumped in the air before we entered the place.

We ended up filling out some forms and I had paid for us all to ride the helicopter. We were getting ready to go in when Amanda squeezed my hand as I looked down at her.

"I'm kind of scared." She said looking at the helicopter start up.

"Don't be." I smiled. "I'll be right here with you." I remembered that she wasn't so good with flying and lifting in the air from the airplane ride here. I knew the second I saw her, I had to talk to her. Her beauty is just outstanding and her personality was even better.

"Oh my god." Madison squealed as we had boarded into the helicopter.

We were lifting up when I felt Amanda tense up beside me. I looked down as I rested my hand on her knee while she placed her hand on top of mine.

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