Chapter 2: Seeing You Again

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Four years have passed since the day Trunks left for college. I still haven't seen Grandpa at all, like he promised. I am now eight years old, and I got my best friend into liking training. Every day, Uncle Goten and I would go to Capsule Corp., and we, along with Bulla and Vegeta, would train. I enjoyed spending time with all of them, even though I really missed Trunks. I haven't talked to him either. I hope he hasn't changed much. He's 22 now, but still.

Uncle Goten talks to Trunks a lot. He always asks me if I want to talk to him, but I never do. I think it's too painful. After all, he did leave two months after Grandpa left. I felt broken for a while, but I eventually got over it. "Pan!" Bulla shouted as Vegeta slammed into me. I was spacing out, and didn't realize anything that was going on.

"Ow," I said getting up. I sparred with Vegeta for a while, then I taught Bulla a few moves. I also taught her how to fly, because she hadn't learned yet. She's four years older than I am, but she's like a sister to me. I love her so much. We finished training and went out into the living room.

"Hello?" Uncle Goten said after answering his phone. I couldn't tell who he was talking to, but it made Uncle Goten happy. "Pan, here. Go in the other room alone and talk to him. He says it's important."

"Who is it, Uncle Goten?" I asked taking his phone.

"You'll find out," he said, and I walked into the other room.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Hi Panny," came a voice that I hold close to my heart.

"Trunks! Is this really you?" I asked as I sat in a chair.

"Yeah, it's me. Hey listen, I need you to do me a favor. Please don't get mad at me. There's someone I want you to meet," he said.

"Okay? Who is this person?" I asked.

"My girlfriend," he said, his voice wavering a bit. "You are one of my best friends, and I want you to be the first one to meet her," he said. My heart, right then and there, broke into a million pieces, and I felt as warm tears fell down my cheeks. "Pan? Are you still there?" he asked me.

"Y-yeah, I'm here," I said, trying not to give away the fact that I was crying.

"So, will you be the first one to meet her? Actually, you already know her. She's four years younger than me, so she's just starting college here. I'm graduating soon. Anyway, will you fly out here?"

"Trunks? Who's your girlfriend?" I asked.

"It's Marron." And with those words out of his mouth, I couldn't help but let him hear me cry. I couldn't hold it back anymore. "Pan! Pan? Are you okay?" I heard Trunks ask.

"I don't think I can come Trunks. You of all people should know how much I don't like her. I never have. And I never will," I said through sobs. I felt abandoned. Lonely. I couldn't believe he did this to me. I wanted to scream. Or crawl somewhere no one could find me, so I didn't have to deal with this.

"Please Pan? I really want to see you. It would mean the world to me," he said. I could hear the sadness in his voice, and I knew he wasn't lying.

"Where are you exactly?" I asked.

"Just follow my kai. You'll find me. See you later," he said.

"Bye," I said and hung up. I went out and gave Uncle Goten his phone back. I then walked out the front door to begin searching for Trunks's kai. It didn't take me long to find it, and I was on my way to him. I really didn't want to go. But Trunks asked, so of course in the end I would always go... just to see him happy.

I found the college Trunks was attending. I followed his kai, right to his dorm room. I entered the window, and he was asleep at his desk, with textbooks everywhere and a document on his computer. I looked at the time on the computer. It was about 7:30 PM. I went over and sat on his bed. I guess I could just wait for a while.

I ended up falling asleep and woke up with Trunks in the bed next to me. We were covered up in his blankets. He had his arm around my waist, and my head was on his chest. He was incredibly warm, and I felt like I could be here forever. I would definitely spend forever with Trunks. I smiled, and Trunks opened his eyes. "Hiya Panny," he said tiredly.

"Hey Boxers," I said back.

"There's a shirt over there if you want to change. Gohan knows you're here and safe. He's aware that I was asleep when you came and then you fell asleep, so he said just for you to stay the night. I don't have any classes tomorrow, so we could hang here," he said releasing his hold on me, realizing he had his arm around me.

"Okay," I said getting up and grabbing the shirt. I went into the bathroom and changed. I came back out and set my clothes on the floor. I slipped my bandana off my head and added it to the pile on the floor at my feet. I stood there and stretched. The shirt was slightly shorter than I thought, and it came up with my arms. Trunks blushed, and I put my arms down quickly. He scooted over in his bed, and I crawled in next to him. "Goodnight Boxers," I said.

"Goodnight Panny," he said giving my cheek a little kiss. "Thanks for coming. It means a lot. It's great to hear your voice in person again," he said smiling.

"Yeah," I said, falling into sleep with a smile on my face. When I woke up, Trunks's arm was around my waist again, and my head was on his chest. I don't know how this happened, but it felt normal, like something kept drawing us together. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. I looked up at Trunks's sleeping face, and I smiled. He looked so peaceful when he slept. I stretched a little bit and tried hard not to wake Trunks up. I wasn't successful. He woke up and smiled at me.

"Morning Panny," he said, running the hand that wasn't around my waist through his lavender hair. He then realized he had a hold of my waist and took his arm off of me. I sat up, and I stretched more. I had a very good sleep, and I was ready to spend the day with Trunks, even if it meant seeing Marron today. As long as I knew a little piece of Trunks's heart loved me, everything would be okay.

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