Chapter 6: Sleepover! (Pt. 1)

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"P-Pan?!" my best friend yelled at my sudden appearance in her bedroom.

"Hi Bulla," I said, sitting on her floor.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, setting her book (yes I said book) aside.

"Well, I just got done training, and I learned how to use instant transmission. So I was testing it out. I tried going home first, but my parents are... busy," I said, shuddering at the mental image that still showed in my mind.

"Okay. I didn't want to know that," Bulla said, placing the bookmark in her book.

"Can I use the shower and borrow some clothes? Some of mine are still here, right?" I asked, looking at her and tugging my boots off.

"Umm, yeah and sure," she said going to her dresser. She brought me one of my backup outfits.

"Wait, why aren't you in school? I figured you'd be at lunch, but your home," I said, placing my boots on the floor by the door.

"Oh, Papa said I could skip, as long as I trained with him later. It's Friday; do you want to stay the night with me?" she asked.

"Umm, Bulla? I'll have to run home and make sure it's okay. I don't want to call, and I need to restock your house and run my training stuff back. But, above all, I want, and need, to shower," I said, releasing the ponytail from my head.

"Yeah. Okay, hurry back!" she called as I walked into the hallway. I made my way to the bathroom and went inside. I walked over to the counter and put my clothes there and started removing my training clothes. I was undressed, and I walked over to the shower and began running the water. I had just gotten my hair wet, when there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, peeking out.

"It's me," a shy voice rang out. I didn't know what to do. "Can I come in for a minute?" he asked from behind the door.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now Trunks," I said back. And I meant it. He was at a point where he could take me, anywhere, and even if I wanted it or not.

"Please, Pan?" he asked, his voice sounding desperate.

"You have one minute, or I blast you out with a kamehameha wave," I said, returning to the task at hand.

"I only need one," he said, coming in. I heard him shut and lock the door. He walked over and sat on the floor next to the shower. "I'm sorry about what happened this morning. I should've had better control than that. But you smelled so damn good. I hope you can forgive me," he said. I could tell this was hitting him hard. I turned the water off, and I thought for a bit. I had finished, but now I needed to give him an answer so he could leave.

"Trunks, I don't think we should ever be alone. This is the most vulnerable stage of my life, both emotionally and physically. I was scared out of my mind this morning. You became a totally different person. I don't want you to look like that, if we ever do hookup in the future. I want you to enjoy and remember a moment like that. Not totally space it out," I said, drying my hair a little by ringing it out.

"I understand." His voice was flat. No emotion in it at all. I couldn't tell why. I think I hurt him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, opening the door to look at him. He looked up at me, and I saw it. The tears. He probably hates the fact that I just told him I was scared when I was around him.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me," he said, smiling up at me. I knelt down on the shower floor and reached my arm out to him. I rubbed the tears from his face.

"You need to leave," I said bluntly. He laughed a little and stood up.

"Okay," he said. Bluntly. No emotion there either.

"Trunks?" I said, now standing again.

"What?" he turned and asked.

"I just need you to leave so I can change," I said giggling at his face.

"Oh, right," he said as he smiled and left. I got out and finished drying myself off. I got dressed and headed back to Bulla's room.

"So, are you going to run home now?" she asked as I gathered my training clothes up in a pile.

"Yeah, I think my parents should be done by now," I said as I slipped my boots on.

"Seriously? Please stop mentioning the fact that you caught Gohan and Videl in the act," Bulla said, covering her ears. I couldn't help but laugh. I told her to be quiet for a while, so I could concentrate. I put two fingers to my forehead and cleared my mind. I searched for Papa, and when I found him, I transmitted to him.

"Panny?" Papa asked once I appeared. I was just glad he had clothes on, and so did Mama.

"Hi," I managed to get out.

"Sorry about earlier," Papa said, his face red with embarrassment.

"Just, please, don't talk about that. Anyway, can I stay the night with Bulla tonight?" I asked, looking from Mama to Papa.

"Panny," Papa said sternly.

"I promise. It's only to stay with Bulla, and she will be with me the whole time. Please?" I asked with a puppy dog lip.

"Okay. Just try not to be alone with him," Papa said, placing me in an embrace.

"Don't worry. If something like that happens, I know instant transmission. I'll be okay, I promise Papa," I said, hugging him tightly. After they agreed to let me go, I went up to my room and gathered a few things in a bag to take with me. I then went back into the kitchen and kissed and hugged Mama and Papa goodbye and told them I would see them tomorrow.

"Pan?!" Bulla yelled.

"You have to get used to this," I said, covering my ears. I put my clothes away, and Bulla informed me that Bulma had said we could go swimming. Also, Trunks was in charge. Bulma and Vegeta decided it was time to go out themselves. They deserved it.

"I'm sorry about screaming," Bulla said as I surfaced from underwater.

"It's okay. But like I said, you really have to get used to it," I said coming by her. We heard a noise from behind us, and then there was a big splash. We turned and looked over, only to see Trunks and Uncle Goten.

"Hiya ladies," they said in unison then started hitting each other for talking at the same time.

"Guys!" Bulla shouted.

"Yeah?" Trunks asked, looking at his sister.

"Let's play truth or dare," Bulla said, smiling devilishly.

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