Chapter 25: She's Here!

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My parents just blankly looked at me. I understood why they would. They both hoped that I would fall into the five percent that didn't end up pregnant after mating, but I was thrown head-first into the ninety-five percent. I ended up pregnant, just like Grandma with Papa, Bulma with Trunks, and Mama with me. Now I was pregnant, and Trunks was the father (not that you haven't gathered all of this yet).

"Really?" Papa asked, walking over to me.

"Yeah," I smiled at him. He came over and placed a kiss to my forehead.

"That's wonderfully shocking news, Pan," Mama said. "But, we're happy for the two of you." Mama smiled at me, and I walked over to her and Gohan. Mama kissed my cheek as I kissed Gohan's forehead.

"I'm scared, Mama," I whispered to her. She smiled sadly and nodded.

"I'll help you through this. Me, your father, your siblings, your grandparents, Trunks, and his family. All of us," Mama said.

"Okay," I said, smiling to her. What Mama told me made me feel a little better, but I was still scared. I'm only almost nineteen. My birthday is next month, but this is a little early to be having a baby. But, Trunks and I thought this through, and we are as ready as we can be at the moment. I just hoped this would turn out okay.

Seven Months Later

I can pop any day now. I'm seven months pregnant, and for a Saiyan, this was equivalent to nine months of human pregnancy. Trunks and I still haven't decided any names yet, but we would. I was sitting at my parents' house right now with Gohan in my arms, and the twins were on either side of me. They each had a hand on my stomach and would tell me each time they felt the baby move.

After Gohan and the twins were down for a nap, I went into the kitchen by Mama. She was currently flipping through the pages of an old family photo album. I sat next to her, and I started looking with her. We went through each page, looking at the pictures of me when I was a baby, and the years as I grew up. There were pictures of me and Gramps, me and Grandpa and Grandma, me and Mama and Papa, me and Goten, me and Bulla, and even of me and Trunks.

Papa wandered in with a child in his arms and one hanging from each of his legs a little after that. It had been an hour, and all three of my siblings were already awake. I stood up and went to help Papa. I made it halfway to him when I felt a warm liquid run down my legs and my pants grew wet. "Pan!" the twins yelled in unison.

"Time to go," Mama said. I looked back at her and smiled. Papa got the twins and Gohan ready to leave, and we took to the air. I pulled my phone out as Mama carried me through the air.

"Trunks?" I asked after he picked up the phone.

"Yeah, Panny? What's up?" he asked. I knew he was still at work, but this was his baby.

"It's showtime," I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Trunks! Don't be stupid! The baby is coming!" Mama yelled to him. He hung up the phone, and soon enough, he had met up with us in the air. We landed a block away from the hospital, and then ran the rest of the way.

"Mom?" Trunks asked. We were currently waiting for me to become fully dilated, so I could start pushing.

"Yes, dear?" I heard Bulma ask from the other line.

"You might want to come to the hospital with Dad and the love birds," Trunks told her.

"Why are you in the hospital, Trunks?" Bulma asked.

"The baby is coming," he told his mother. I heard Bulma scream, and she said she'd be right over.

"Okay, Mr. Briefs," the nurse started, "she's ready to push now."

"Coming," he said, walking over and taking my hand. After three long hours of labor, the time has come. It was time for me to bring a new child into the world.

"Okay, Miss Son," the doctor started while she put gloves on, "you may start pushing now." I nodded and did just that. Twenty minutes later, a cry echoed through the room.

"Wow, Panny," Trunks said, turning and smiling at me.

"It's a girl," the doctor started, "but she has a tail."

"That's normal," I laughed at the doctor's shocked face, "it's okay. Leave it," I said, smiling at the baby.

"Okay," the doctor said, giving her to the nurse. The nurse took her and cleaned and wrapped her then brought her to me. "And what is the baby's name?" she asked.

"Well, we aren't exactly sure yet," Trunks said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Okay, just inform the nurse when you do decide what it is," the doctor said.

"We will," I started, "thank you."

She turned and smiled, bowed, then left the room and went into the one right across the hallway. I looked at the small girl in my arms. Her tail was wrapped around my wrist, her hair was a soft lavender color, and she looked like me. She yawned, and opened her eyes. Her blue eyes. This girl looked like me but also so much like Trunks. I smiled.

"She looks like a perfect mix between the two of us," Trunks said, crawling into the bed next to me.

"Yeah, she does," I said, smiling up at him. He leaned in and placed a kiss to the middle of my forehead. I looked back down at our daughter and smiled.

"Annabelle Elizabeth Briefs," Trunks mumbled under his breath. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I love it.  So does she," I said, looking down at the baby in my arms. Trunks notified the nurse, and then he took our daughter and left me to get some sleep.

Trunks' POV

I walked with Annabelle out to where the rest of our family waited to meet her. I walked down the hall and turned the corner into the waiting room. When everyone turned their heads to look at me, my mom and Videl both came rushing to me. Soon after that, Chi-Chi, Bulla, and Jayden were as well. Jayden had a hold of Hayden's hand, so he was dragged along. "Everyone, I want you to meet Annabelle Elizabeth Briefs," I said, giving her to Videl.

"She looks like a perfect mix between you and Pan," she said, smiling at me. Soon, everyone had held Annabelle, and then I took her back to Pan's room.

Pan's POV

"It's about time you came back. The nurse said you were out there for two hours," I said as Trunks walked through the door.

"Sorry Panny, but we have a huge family," he said, giving Annabelle to me. I shot him a glare, and he kissed me. "Plus, you were resting anyway. Did you sleep well?"

"It's hard to stay mad at you when you kiss me like that. And yes, I did," I said, looking at Trunks. He laughed, and we turned our attention to Annabelle who was making cooing noises. She was finally here. At last, Trunks and I had our own little family.

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