Chapter 15

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Not ever so often did Kim Jungsoo publicly appear in the flesh. The only places you'd witness him aside from personal meetings were at formal dinners and illustrious events where his formidable presence could not be glossed over. Rumors whispered, the only time you'd chance upon him within the company's four walls was when things had gone wrong, to the point where only he could fix the situation — which, in other words, rarely occurred.

His son, Kim Seokjin, seemed to gradually, unintentionally take after him in this aspect. Hence, his unannounced appearance bewildered Jiwon. She almost jumped out of her seat in panic as her brother stepped inside her office.

"Are you here to exchange positions with me?" Jiwon straightened up and let out an airy chuckle. Her brother, however, remained unfazed.

"Where did you get this?" Seokjin slid a folder towards her.

Straight to the point as always. Jiwon pressed her fists to her cheeks, elbows propped on the table.

"I told you, I have no idea," responded Jiwon, eyeing the familiar file. "Which was also why I asked you about it, remember?"

Seokjin's expression was guarded, head tipped to the side by a fraction and the way he crossed his arms only defined his pensiveness. His eyes narrowed, brows almost meeting in the middle. He tapped his index finger on his forehead and pointed at his sister.

"Kim Jiwon, you better be cautious with people having access to your office," he advised, his words containing an edge of warning to them.

"Is there a problem?" she queried.

"There's something I'm trying to look into," he said. "It's nothing really serious, but just in case. Don't involve yourself, Jiwon."

She grimaced and threw him a suspicious gaze. Parting her lips, her words were interrupted by the vibration of her phone on the table, and she dropped her attention towards it.

We need to talk, Jiwon read through the corner of her eyes, the sender having no record on her phone. Sensing her brother's attention on her, she blocked the screen with her hand and locked her phone.

"Any problem?" asked Seokjin.

Jiwon shook her head and sported a neutral look. The siblings stared at each other for an extended moment, until Seokjin broke the eye-contact. It was either Jiwon did a great job of acting convincingly or Seokjin was too bothered by whatever ran in his mind to notice her feint.

"Anyway," Seokjin spoke up after a brief silence and reached for the folder on the desk, tucking it to his side. He squinted at her.

"Anyway what?"

"Aren't you and your fiancé hanging out too often these days?" He probed. "Tell me, am I actually going to attend a wedding soon?"

Jiwon shot him a dirty look. "You'd probably attend my funeral first before that happens."

"Ahh," marveled Seokjin. "Min Yoongi is a good looking man— Of course next to me. But I could already imagine beautiful offsprings from the two of you."

"Oh shut up!" she bleated.

Seokjin gawked at his sister. "Kim Jiwon watch your mouth."

She pouted and deflated back to her seat. "Yes father," she mocked. "Now shoo, I know you're busy so I'm doing you a favor of sending you back to your office."

"Once I take over, the first person I'm firing from this company is you."

Jiwon rolled her eyes and blew a raspberry. "You won't do that. I know you love me."

"I'm out of here."

Once Seokjin was completely out of her office, Jiwon heaved a sigh and retrieved the file she had dropped on the floor earlier for the sake of shielding it from her brother's sight. She then locked it inside one of the bureaus of her desk.

Her phone beeped again.

The files.

Followed by another.

About Im Changsun.

Jiwon leaned back on her chair, a hard look crossed her face. No one aside from Seokjin had knowledge about this matter. Or so at least not about it having something to do with Im Changsun.

Her thumb hovered over the message bubble, torn between rendering a reply or discarding the message and blocking the sender.

In the end, she stood up and stuffed her phone in her coat pocket. Biting her lower lip, she pondered. The faltering beats of her heart and the pricking sensation on her fingers had become rather common to her, Jiwon could tell she was about to do something risky, the outcome of which may jeopardize her.

But what was Kim Jiwon without her recklessness, especially at situations like this anyway?

With a cup of iced vanilla latte on one hand, Jiwon situated herself in a booth near the counter. Her eyes wandered around, scanning the cafe in a subtle manner.

Jiwon had no idea with whom she was meeting, not even an insight on their age nor gender. She had responded to the anonymous person with her chosen meeting place — a cafe two blocks away from the company building, and the last reply she got was a mere: Thank you.

Had the person she was supposed to meet arrived already? Could she be the lady zeroed in on her laptop? Or perhaps the teenager slumped on his back with a nonchalant face?

The more she waited, the more she grew dubious. Perchance she could have considered this thoroughly, but Jiwon was not one to back down on her words either.

A notification popped up on her screen.

I'm sorry. We can't meet today.

Perplexed, Jiwon's gaze lingered a little longer on her phone, until she subconsciously zoned out and the screen turned blank.

Something is definitely wrong here, she surmised.

Ever since those files had landed on her desk, Jiwon focused on the matter, not letting even the tiniest detail slip. Nonetheless, she failed to figure out the intentions of whoever had sent them. The questions Why? and What for?constantly puzzled her.

And now this.

Catching her attention, the chime above the entrance tinkled whilst a hooded guy rushed in, wasting no time to get into the order queue. Despite his stealth, Jiwon caught the way his vision roamed around the crowd.

Before he caught her looking, she snapped her head elsewhere and fiddled on her phone. It might just be her being paranoid, as her second thoughts were finally sinking in. Albeit it could be her instincts warning her.

Jiwon dismissed the thought, aware she wouldn't get anywhere with her muddled mind. Releasing the tension, she blew a breath out, unlocked her phone, and composed a message.

Ever since Jiwon had been caught up with all the shenanigans life darted at her without amiss, she rarely had the time to visit them.

Perhaps she could turn the remainder of her wasted time into something more meaningful, and possibly clear up her mind at the same time.

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