Chapter 6

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But why is he staying here?
We were still sitting in the dinning table lost in our own thoughts.

"Jungkook will be staying here because I want him to learn how life really is. He has to know that he won't get anything just with a snap of his fingers.",Mrs.Jeon spoke this time.

Oh so that was why!
Ah maybe it was because he was too ignorant of his duties.

"He will be joining school with you for a while as well, as this is his last year and we don't want him to leave out on his lessons. We wanted him to know the world around before he could take over the company or any business for that matter, this is just a small learning opportunity for him and well a little time on his own."

"Can we show him around?",soo-ji interfered,pointing her fingers at me and then back at herself.

Wait,did she just say we?

"Yea sure." Ms.Choi smiled.

Jungkook turned his head facing us and he gave a light smile. This was the first time we had made proper eye contact from the time that he had arrived.

I smiled back and gave a slight nod.

"Where is his baggage?",now it was my turn to talk.
"Oh!don't worry about that. Our driver will get it in later."Mrs.Jeon spoke.


We then went on and washed our plates. While Ms.Choi chatted with the guests about our routines.

Soon it was time for them to leave. We went on to thank them.
This day was special to me. It was something everyone waited for and I loved seeing them happy.

As the car drove past the gate and could no more be seen,we turned around to head back in. I would have almost forgot about Jungkook if it was not for Ms.Choi's reminder about showing him around.

"I almost forgot I promised to read a bed-time story to the kids,sorry I can't show him around."soo-ji half-heartedly spoke.

Then I'll have to show him around? Alone?
Oh no.
Yea I know I'm exaggerating too much. It's not like he is going to do anything.

"Yea it's okay I'll do it."

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