Books & Chairs [2p! North Italy × Reader]

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[From the anime "Hetalia Axis Powers", "Hetalia World Series", "Hetalia: The World Twinkle", "Hetalia: The Beautiful World",  From the manga "Hetalia Axis Powers" and "Hetalia World Stars", From the anime movie "Hetalia Axis Powers: Paint it White!"]

Beware: Some swearing here, some cursing there, but they won't stop cause let's face it, this is Luciano we're talking about. Haha I toned it way too much. There isn't really a lot but I didn't want to over do it but I was also worried if I had messed it up by not adding more.

Anyway enjoy!


2p! North Italy or Veneziano : Luciano Vargas

United Kingdom of Great Britain And Northen Ireland or England : Arthur Kirkland

2p! United Kingdom of Great Britain And Northen Ireland or England : Oliver Kirkland

2p! South Italy or Romano : Flávio Vargas

North Italy or Veneziano : Feliciano Vargas


I was sitting down on Luciano's very comfy leather chair in his office quietly reading a book Arthur lent me. I know, I could've asked Oliver but he was busy making a fresh batch of cupcakes so I didn't bother him.

Here I was enjoying my time reading this very interesting book when a fuming Lucifer wearing a Bustina cap with dark feathers coming off of it on his head and a decorated brown WW2 Italian Brigade Uniform with a black shirt and tie underneath, and red tassels coming off of the pants. Hands were covered with gloves and he was wearing shiny patent-leather, laceless boots when he walked in.

"Dear God, bless this world with holy water and cleanse my ears from all the colourful curses that are about to erupt from this Italian's mouth." I thought to myself humorously as I looked up from my book.

Even though every part of me wanted to just leave and not be anywhere near this guy, unfortunately he was my boyfriend so...

As he walked in clearly mad I decided to ask as casually as possible what his problem was, "*Quello che si è ottenuto in on tale cattivo umore?"

"**Cazzo. Non cosa, chi." He eyes me angrily as he runs his hands on his hair.

I raise a brow at him, "Then who?"

"***Mio Fratello idiota." I pout at him.

"But Flávio's not that bad he's actually-"

"****Stupida ragazza, you-a don't understand!"

"Come on he's only trying to be a good big brother he-"

"*****Cazzo. Non ho tempo per questo!"

Keep calm (Y/n) we all know Luciano can be like this. Keep calm or else you'll end up fighting with him.


That was what I told myself repeatedly but I eventually snapped at him when he repeatedly bad-mouthed his brother.

"He is-a nothing but an ° idiota."

"You can't go on and insult poor Flávio!"

"°° Flávio è un idiota! Egli non sa il suo posto e lui è molto più di un fastidio che voglio-"

"Woah that's too much!" I cut him off.

Glaring and pointing a finger at him, "Where does this even come from?! As far as I know he cares about you and-"

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