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Tom stared at his instagram feed, looking at the beauty on his screen. He pressed his lips together double tapping the screen, she looked so damn good in that dress. He couldn't help himself but look through the comments to see if any of the guys she was hanging out with last night was hitting on her. Tom slid out of the comment section, scolding himself.

He should might as well just text her himself, see how she's doing. Ask how her day is maybe, how school is. How Sid is doing. If he snuggles and protects her at night like Tom said he would in replacement when he was gone.

He tapped on the green icon, scrolling through previous messages to find hers. He had to admit, he had gone through their messages, giggling and reminiscing their photos they shared or pictures of their puppies and their endless banter and jokes.

He wanted so badly to reach out to her, but that unspoken barrier between them held him back. They're supposed to be best friends right? But he felt as if that title was erased the moment he stepped out of her door.

But how many times have they walked away from each other? First, when they were merely teenagers. Two seventeen year olds, immature and clueless of what to do with these emotions they tried hide. Second, was only last summer, under the same circumstances, they were both clueless to their identical feeling for each other, but this time it was Evie. Only months ago, they had separated letting another significant other get in the way.

So they excused this one as different from the rest, because they were in an actual relationship. They tried, and it didn't work out. The timing for them to be lovers just wasn't right yet.

He began typing, his thumbs stalling on the screen and hesitating for his word choice.

Do I shoot her a Hey or is that too odd.

Maybe a How are you doing? No that's too invasive.

Why the hell is this so hard, it used to be so easy to just shoot her a text or call, come on just be a man and text damn it!

Tom argued with himself in his head, his thumbs circling over his keyboard. He sighed, not having a clue of what to say. He breathed through his lips, shaking his head before tapping his thumbs against the glass screen of his phone. 


Hey Bear, how are you? 

He let out another frustrated sigh and quickly erased the message. Finding it that he shouldn't call her Bear because it was just so personal. He captured his bottom lip into his mouth and bounced his leg up and down trying to find an acceptable greeting to his ex-girlfriend/supposed to be best friend. Tom just wanted things to just be normal that's all he wanted. He blew air through his lips, while trying again to muster up the sentence he wanted to send her all the way across the world. 

Tom was interrupted by the door to the room swinging in, he peered up from the screen to look at the man dressed head to toe in black. The man signaled Tom with just the nod of his head to the side, telling Tom it was time to go. Tom nodded his head in response, clicking the side of his phone to shut it out and he shoved it in his pocket. Leaving the room to do one of the many interviews he had today. 


Evie stretched her arms above her head, her hands reaching behind her pillows as she slept peacefully. A ray of light was peaking from behind her blinds, and beamed over her bed. Sid laid at the foot of the bed, sleeping soundly just like his owner. But peace is never an option when Kaya comes around. Evie had given the girl a key to her house in case of emergencies. Oh boy, was this an actual emergency. 

Awaiting Adventures ( tom holland )Where stories live. Discover now