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     Lord Christopher had made great improvement since the healer came around, she was truly gifted at least that was what everyone thought. Lady Charlotte picked up a piece of cucumber from the silver tray, she chewed slowly as she watched her husband sleep peacefully for the first time in almost a year. She hadn't seen much of the healer after their encounter the first night and she hadn't cared, but she felt it was time to say a proper hello to the girl and of course, she was going to be paid handsomely for doing a good job.

   Miranda was mixing the last medicine that she would give to Lord Christopher when he wakes up. It was the herb she had mixed a year ago in Ponti, she was sure it was going to make a remarkable change in Lord Christopher's health but she didn't know what exactly. Putting the last of the ingredient in, she rose up to discard the leafs when a young lad ran up to her.

  "Excuse me ma'm," Miranda replied with a hello as the young man began to talk.
" Lady Charlotte has requested that you check the health condition of the prisoners held in the dungeon". Miranda was taken aback by the request and asked quietly. "Why me? I didn't come here for that, I am in this place because of lord Christopher and lord Christopher alone."

The boys face flushed red as he tried to relax and explain to her but Miranda didn't let him talk as she continued,
"I am sorry to be directing questions at you, I will go to the dungeon but only after I have administered this herb to lord Christopher, he should be up any minute."

The boy breathed a sign of relief as he thanked her and ran off, apparently to deliver another message. Miranda packed the herb and headed upstairs to change out of her soiled cloths. As she wore a green cotton gown,she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled it was beautiful, she sighted the silver necklace that Maria had given to her, if she was going to do something remarkable today then she wanted to do it with that necklace. As she reached for it she heard a knock on her door, forgetting all about her necklace she opened the door, Lady Charlotte's beautiful face came into view.

Lady Charlotte stood still as she swam deeper into those green pool which were Miranda's eyes, she tried to speak but nothing was coming out, she remembered those eyes clearly yet she was a bit confused. She cleared her throat and spoke, "Hello my dear, I came to thank you for what you have done for my husband, and I apologise for not informing you myself about the prisoners. I haven't been very much available please forgive my absence."

Miranda was touched by the lady's calm and polite nature, she smiled and shook her head.
"There is no problem my Lady, in fact I was just about to give lord Christopher his last herb, you may join me if you wish."
Charlotte smiled  and led the way as Miranda exited the room and closed the door behind her, the silver necklace sat idly on the table,  forgotten.

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