All that matters

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Rosy POV:

Just finished Zayn hair he walks  out, and  here comes Niall a smirk plasted on his face.

"Wassup ma he says and bits his lip" he's so cute

Okay so first of I'm dye your hair brown

What!!! hummm not your not!

humm yes I am! I have to it's what Simon said to do ,I have to follow what he says

wtf man he pouts and cross him arms

what a baby I thought to my self , okay let's get started I say putting the brown in he shuts his eyes . 10mins later the he less tense . We start talking he makes me laugh a lot . Finishing up his hair while blow drying it up ward to a flip. I'm done I say. Niall opens his eyes . Dammm this hair makes him look even hotter, that can't be possible. He spins back in his chair and looks at me and says

hey thank you ,putting his hands gently on my waist pulling me closer to him.

I wanted to pull away . My mind was saying no, but my heart wanted more,so I went with it. Now I'm sitting on his lap straddle on him look at his beautiful face .

Niall's POV:

Rosy straddle on my waist .Fuck she's fine ,my hands gently on her. I pull her in for a kiss and damm it all hit me . Her soft lips in sink with mine.3 mins later it turned to a make out session till Isabel and harry walk in . We pull apart.

Oh humm didn't mean to interrupt anything. she says and  grabs a brush and walks out.

Harry winks and say way to go Niall.

Rosy jumps up off of me and continue to put stuff away. I walk behind her kiss her on the cheek and walked out.

Rosy POV :

Why tf do I keep doing that .

I no if I get close it well only hurt me even more . I think I might like him. Fuckkkk

Isabel POV:

I go back to my spot to do Harry's hair . As I'm fluffing and cutting it we start to talk.

So you live with Rosy ?

yes I do

why don't you live with you mom?he asks.I stop what I'm doing at look at him .

Is it okay if I ask I'm so sorry

Humm no it's cool it's just that I don't see my parents anymore

oh he says with his deep voice

if you don't mind me asking what happened?

wow humm it's a long story .

We got a lot of time .

Okay so here's the story of how me and Rosy moved together.

My mom is her older sister which also the oldest child. Rosy had a different Dad then my mom . As the years grew on Rosy dad had something wrong with his brain. She new it to but she tried not to let it bother her.In her eyes her dad was her superhero, the strongest man ever.He was pretty hard core .But always had a loving heart. She always want to find a man like him. A fighter ,protector, a fair man. Well her mom and her would always fight a lot. One day he dad couldn't take it no more his brain couldn't handle it  and he died. Rosy mom told her I was her fault he died . So she ran away . Of course I wasn't gonna let her go alone, so when I was 15 I left with her. My mom had Grandma's side .Me and my mom got in a big fight about leaving .She slap the shit out of me and told me not to come back. So we both left from California to New Jersey,and never went back .Not knowing where we were or what we doing we had nowhere to go. Till she went to beauty school and become good at it number in her job .Rosy had me with her part time of course cuz I have school . But we had each other for three years together and protected and loved one another till one day she made it legal became my guardian. 

wow was all he could say.

so did you ever try to reconnect with your mum.

I tried to call a few time but the number change or they blocked me idk what happened ,but ya that's how we stuck together. She needs me and I need her.

well I'm all done now ,and you can go now I say to him while try to smile.

Harry gets up and pulls me in a hug I accept it he kisses my on the forehead and walks out .

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