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1 Week Later...

"Everything looks good with the tests. Looks like you'll be able to go home soon. But I wanted to let you know that since you had a brain injury and extreme blood loss, you have to take it slow and not rush yourself when it comes to things. That means no heavy lifting for a week or so. I would stay away from work at that time as well and let your body heal." I nodded and looked over at Harry who was staring at my doctor intently but still keeping his hand laced with mine. His thumb rubbing my knuckles.

"Any questions?" He looked between us and we shook our heads no and he left saying he'll come back with a release date. Once he left it was only us in the room as everyone went home to shower and catch up on sleep, and the kids going with my mom to give us some time. I let out a deep sigh and fell back to the bed, suddenly feeling exhausted. Ever since I woke up I've been feeling drained.

"How are you feeling?" I looked over at Harry seeing him looking just as exhausted as I felt, his eyes held a different emotion though.

"Fine, just tired. Come here." I motioned for him to get in bed with me and he didn't hesitate as he climbed in next to me. Once he was comfortable I cuddled next to him tightly and breathed in his scent as if this was the last time I'd be this close to him.

"What's wrong?" I felt him sigh as I gripped his shirt tightly, that only made him pull me even closer to him and resting his chin lightly on top of my head.

"Just thinking. Plus I'm glad that I can talk to you and not just sit around and do nothing. I felt so powerless and like I couldn't do anything for you."

"But you were here so that was you doing something for me. I heard you talking to me though which helped." He pulled away slightly to look at me and his eyes started getting teary.

"You heard me talking to you? Like what?"

"Well, I remember hearing you say that you needed me to wake up cause you needed me. And everything else is kinda blurry but I also faintly remember hearing you crying. That broke my heart, that feeling is something that I won't forget." I looked at him seeing a tear fall down his cheek. Gently I wiped it away and looked at him.

"But I'm here and awake. No more crying. We've had enough crying." He chuckled and leaned his face into my hand and held it there.

"I love you." He kissed the palm of my hand and then me gently.

"I love you too."


The doctor soon came back in and released me, still telling me to take it slow. Louis came back and gave me a change of clothes and then hurried to leave saying that something happened at school with Jacks.

I never thought getting out of bed was going to be hard until today. My body felt weak but that was the cost of being in a bed for however long I was. My grip on Harry's arm as I pulled myself out of bed was so tight I thought I was going to hurt him. Many times he offered to help me or dress me himself but I was determined to do it myself.

When I made it to the bathroom to change out of the hospital gown I felt proud but also like I could fall to the floor and take a nap right there. Harry still came in with me to help me out if I needed it which I was grateful about since I felt awful. When the gown fell off on to the floor I couldn't help but stare at my reflection that was in the mirror. I looked thin, almost to thin and I had a shaved hair spot on the side of my head. I looked like a hot mess and in desperate need of a shower.

"Zayn?" I looked over at Harry in the mirror seeing worry all over his face. I smiled weakly at him and took the sweatpants gently from his hand.

"I'm fine. I just look... rough." Putting one foot in the sweats knocked my ass out quicker than I thought it would, making me sit on the toilet and look at Harry weakly.

"I think I need some help." We both chuckled and he was quick to help me get dressed. When the shirt was on he looked me in my eyes and the atmosphere suddenly got tense.

"You look beautiful and perfect." I smiled at him and kissed him gently.

"Thank you, but I'm shaving my head." He chuckled and kissed me again.

"You'll still look beautiful." I smiled and told him that I was ready to home finally.

The drive home was silent and his hand never left mine and I was grateful for it. I was kind of scared to go back home but I knew that everything would be okay because Liam was gone for good this time. I doubt he would make parole. We pulled up the house and thankfully no one was here because I needed and shower. Plus a moment to pull me back to together all the way. We walked into the house slowly and took a deep breath of relief. It felt good to be back home and somewhere familiar.

"I'm going to make us something to eat cause I'm sure you're over hospital food." Harry gave me a small smile as I nodded furiously.

"You have no idea. I need something with the kick-ass type of flavor instead of cardboard." I kissed him gently and followed him into the kitchen slowly.

"I gotcha baby. It's going to be a surprise though."

"As long as it's flavorful. But while you're doing that I'm going to try to shower on my own." He gave me an instant look of concern, but I only stop him from hovering and told him I need to work my strength up again and he nodded understanding. I walked to the stairs with confidence and took my time knowing not to push myself. When I got to the top, I was breathless but proud that I did it, having full confidence in myself to heal easily. After a successful shower and dressed in Harry's clothes, I made it back downstairs just in time for dinner to be done. Harry smiled at me and kissed me gently as he sat down our plates on the table.

"I made your favorite, fettuccine alfredo with chicken." He kissed my temple as I sat down smiling.

"Thank you baby. I needed this." He sat down next to me and we made small talk, or he talked to me, as I inhaled my food. It tasted like I haven't eaten in days.

After dinner, Harry carried me upstairs to bed. I tried to stop him and let me do it on my own but he wasn't taking no for an answer. Once we were cuddled up into bed, everything felt calm and at peace. Like I wanted it to be forever but I knew that it wouldn't last forever. But in times like this, you have to live in the moment.

"Hey, Harry,"


"We're shaving my head tomorrow." He chuckled lightly and pulled me closer to him.

"Really? I kinda like the bald spot. Makes me feel young." I hit his chest jokingly and gave him a look. He put his hands up in defense and lent in to kiss me gently.

"Okay we'll do it, but I will miss your hair."

"Why? It's just hair."

"It was great to pull on and play with."

"Really Harry?" His laughter filled the room and the rest of the night ended with laughter.


Sorry for the wait... I've had really bad writer's block and don't know how I'm going to take this story... if anyone has any ideas or inputs please let me know! I'd be extremely grateful!!

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