[29] Forever

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Taeyong's head lay between his knees, his large hand running through his hair slowly, the rocks of the cold cell digging into his back that would not allow him to forget that he was in the dungeon of his worst enemy.

His mother was gone.

Mark was a good as gone, they hadn't seen each other since their failure.

That was quite a bitter taste in his mouth that he wasn't accustomed to- failure.

He had no one left but the rats that were forced to keep him company, locked in his cell with him.

All that ran through his mind was what would happen when he was forced to return home, as part of some deal or negotiation- if he was able to return home at all.

Likely, he too would die for his actions against the crown – like his grandfather.

Finally, after years of holding it in, a solitary tear slid down his cheek, holding within it all of his regrets, grief, and sorrow that he could not retain.

He quickly wiped it away, seeing it as a sign of weakness before pulling himself together and banging his palm against his forehead, as if attempting to force an idea out of his brain.

Forced to listen to the joyfulness of the palace he despised, planning a royal wedding and daily life, he stayed in his cell.

There he paced, day and night, waiting for news of his release or for his execution.

While it did not come, he planned for his escape, his hatred for the family and the nation growing, his body craving revenge, consuming his thoughts and mind for all time.


Jungkook turned over in his bed, his eyes meeting the gorgeous face of his soon to be husband, sleeping peacefully, the moonlight glancing off of his defined cheekbones. Jungkook reached out to brush them, unable to help himself to the temptation.

As his hand touched skin, he felt stabbing, unbearable pain in his chest, the kind that felt like it could kill.

"Ah..AHHHHHHH," He screamed, his head whipping back to face his attacker.

Taeyong was there, the threatening darkness hiding all but his flaming eyes and gleaming knife, now sticking out of Jungkook's side.

"I'll fuck you up and then fuck him," the menacing Anti whispered close to Jungkook's ear while twisting the blade deeper into Jungkook's side, just enough to cause the maximum amount of pain.

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