Lorian, Abigail!

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"Lorian, Abigail!" Her name was called, several students turning towards her as she started up towards the Sorting Hat. She had changed her last name from Lokidottir to Lorian at the request of her father.

Let's rewind.

Abigail Lorian - daughter of the one and only Loki, God of Mischief and Lies and the Archangel Azrael of Death. Quite the pair, right? She certainly thinks so. Anyway. Loki had believed that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would help her learn more magic - of course she had already learned quite a bit from her father and mother, but they both believed that this would be good for her. With the war raging on in Heaven, Azrael was occupied, and with Loki's family problems to deal with, he was as well. So that left her to be alone at Hogwarts with a ton of secrets on her back. After all, she's the daughter of a God and an Archangel.

What could go wrong?

Alot. Like, a lot could go wrong. 

Alright everyone, I'm starting this new thing! I've actually been writing this for quite some time, starting back in...jeez, I think the ending of October, 2017? My writing has actually sort of improved since then, so I will be going over these and editing them just to make sure they sound better, but other than that, let's explain what's goin on here. 

Basically my hopes for this story is to eventually make a sequel (perhaps a few more, actually) of Abigail in the Harry Potter era, like...her life as a teacher at Hogwarts for Harry? Something like that, I don't really know. For now, though, this is going to be the story of Abigail's seven years actually attending the school for magic, falling for Sirius (obviously, it's in the title of the book), and kind of just bringing to light what I think the Marauders' time was like at Hogwarts with Abigail plopped down in there.

Also, quick disclaimer! I have read all of the Harry Potter books, but I am by no means an expert in the Harry Potter universe! I won't really be following any set timeline for the Marauders - if there was even a timeline in place that was stated in the HP books - and I'll kinda just be making up my own story line with a few things thrown in for spice. I'll make it as interesting as I can, of course, but anyway...Thank you so much for reading this, and I hope you all enjoy the book! 

- December ⛧

Half Archangel Half God [Sirius Black]Where stories live. Discover now