Chapter 17- Chaotic Nights

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Warning: Too much drama ahead 😅



I immediately call the cops to report that Emily is missing. I don't care if it will end up as a false alarm. It's their job anyway and I just want to make sure that I did everything possible. This is Emily for fuck's sake and I have to do everything to find her tonight.

The officer on phone asked me a few basic questions about her and told me that they will meet me somewhere for further investigation and to plan for a search, and I sent them the Maxwells' address. They told me that they will be right there in a few minutes.

While waiting for them, I dropped by the cafe where Emily planned to meet Curt and asked the staff about her. I showed them a picture of her, and although some of them recognized her and even knew her, it was so unfortunate because they weren't able to see even just a glimpse of her since this afternoon. Dammit, I am getting frantic already.

Fuck you and your pride, Man. I will never forgive you if something really serious happens to Emily!

My own self hates me now, and I know Emily's parents would, too, if they will learn the whole story.

I try my best to be keen on the road as I drive my way back to the beach house, wishing I'd see her somewhere along the way but there really are no signs of her.

It could also be possible that Logan, that guy who texted her this morning has something to do with this, but the problem is, I wasn't able to take a copy of his number from her phone. We could have tracked him down with that fucking number. Oh, these impulses of mine should burn at hell.

I run back inside our house to look for her again, desperately wishing she'd just came back from somewhere and silently expecting to see her in our bed sprawled in her pajamas with her laptop on her tummy and a couple of twister fries stuffed on her mouth. Either that or she's in the kitchen making a vegetable salad and Salisbury steak with the best gravy ever that she has learned from Rebecca. We could be healthy eaters today but will finish all the fats, cholesterol, and salts tomorrow.

Did she eat an apple today? If so, maybe that's the reason why you left her this morning. Again, fuck you, Man. I'm out of here.

My inner fucker is just making this so much worse.

God, I fucking miss her already. I am being positive as I trudge my way towards the door, but when I swing it open, darkness and silence embrace and kiss me instead of my kitten herself.

I slowly run my palm along the wall as I look for the light switch. The joyless purr of Meowly from the living room echoes around the silent corners of the house, adding to the depressing burden in my chest. I look for the sweet cat and find her rubbing herself against my ankle. She looks up at me with her big, round eyes, those eyes that are looking so troubled as if she is also aware that Emily hasn't come home yet.

I bend down and sit on my heels to pet her head. "There, there, little kitty. Mommy's gonna get back home soon, okay?" She presses her rough tongue against the side of my thumb, and I'll take that as a happy response.

I almost jump when my phone rings.

It's Rebecca.

Please let her tell me that Emily's home now. Oh God, please.

I take a breath of courage before answering it.

"Rebecca, is she home?" I immediately ask her while walking back and forth in front of the couch.

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