Chapter 36

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I wasn't able to update yesterday for the second time cuz I got caught up with a little thing called life XD Anyway Enjoy!

Jeff's POV

Jeez I feel bad for that kid. He barely knows anything about the world, he's got a second personality, and now we have to be careful with what we say and do, so he doesn't copy us because of his five year old mind which I think is getting better... After we see Jane come back from locking (y/n) in his room, just in case he gets curious and decides to come out. All of us pastas are in the living room, waiting for our old friend to return. After about ten minutes the door opened and here comes Kagekao. A man in all black and a half white and half black mask. As an overly happy smile on the black side and a wicked smile on the other.

 As an overly happy smile on the black side and a wicked smile on the other

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He seemed to freeze like he sensed something, but then waved with his hand that didn't have a wine glass in it. "Welcome back man!" BEN said and they did a bro hug thing, they always did that for some odd reason. "Welcome Kagekao how was your mission?" Kage, which is his nickname we call him for short, nodded to Slender. "It was good Slender and also do you have more wine?" Slender sighed. How did we know that was coming? As Kage was walking away, Slender stopped him. "We have someone we want you to meet....I will go and get him." Slender then disappeared.

Your POV

I sat there waiting for what felt like forever. I had my  stuffed (fav/animal) in my arms waiting. Sane stopped talking to me about ten minutes ago. So I'm guessing the person arrived. I about jumped out of my skin when I turned around and saw Slendy there. "Come on child, time to meet someone." He picked me up and we teleported to the living room. There I saw a man in all black. He turned around and looked at me. His seemed to smile under his mask. "Hello there, my name is Kagekao or Kage people here call me." He gave a little bow and I just stared at him. I tilted my head to the side. "Sane is this the person? He doesn't seem bad...." I smiled and waved at the person. "My name is (y/n)...nice to meet you." I was surprised when Sane didn't say anything, so I'm guessing this is the person... I don't see anything bad about him though.... "He may seem nice, but don't listen to him ok?" Sane sounded worried when he said that to me. I frowned when Kage seemed to smirk. I shifted uncomfortablely in Slendy’s arms and he put me down. "Well dinner isn't going to make itself now is it? Ho on your own ways children." He then teleported to make dinner. Everyone left and I was left Kage. I was surprised when his mask made a frown. "What's your story kid?" I shrugged and tried not to cry, not wanting to talk about it. I shook my head to give him a hint. He took it and nodded his head. "Can I be let out?" I shook my head and didn't realize that Kage was now staring at me. "Why you shaking your head for?" Well....crap! I shrugged and just walked off to my room. I could literaly feel the him glaring daggers into my back.

Kagekao's POV

That boy is hiding something...

And I'm going to find out what....


I have nothing to say, so BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!


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