Chapter Fifty Three

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"Lil, have you seen James around?" Asteria asked as the two sat on the grass just outside of the Covered Bridge, looking down at the Forbidden Forest and the Gamekeeper's hut

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"Lil, have you seen James around?" Asteria asked as the two sat on the grass just outside of the Covered Bridge, looking down at the Forbidden Forest and the Gamekeeper's hut.

"No... Why?" Lily asked as she adjusted her position on the ground.
Asteria frowned slightly, "He's just been acting weird is all."

"Weirder than usual?" Lily smirked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Weirder than usual." Asteria stated.
She shrugged, "I don't know. When did it start?"
"Well..." Asteria thought, "I think after the quidditch match. He must have crashed or something but refused to talk about it. I don't know, maybe I'm making it up. I don't know him too well maybe he is just that weird."

Lily furrowed her eyebrows in thought and concentration, "I'll talk to him if you want."
"Thanks." Asteria smiled, "Sirius had been talking none stop about how he's worried."

"Have you spoken to James yourself?"
"Yeah. Every time I try to check he's okay, he just changes the topic and starts rivalling with me about quidditch." Asteria explained.

"Okay. I'll find him later." Lily nodded reassuringly.

James had been acting more than a little peculiar. Although his limp appeared to have faded over the week, he still appeared to be somewhat absentminded and lost in thought more often than not. Ever since the match, James hadn't spoken a word about his possible crash or what at all had happened when nobody else was there.

That was it.
James wasn't alone when the match ended.
Regulus Black had been there.

James and Regulus had both been chasing the snitch whilst the Slytherin Beater Daryl attempted to keep the bludger away from them.

That meant there were two possible witnesses to whatever was troubling James so much.

"Lil, I've got to go. Sorry. See you later." Asteria leapt to her feet and dashed across the bridge, desperate to make it back to the castle as quickly as possible. That's when she caught sight of the black-haired boy laughing in the courtyard with Remus.

"Sirius!" She exclaimed, reaching out to take ahold of his arm.
"Bloody hell, Ri, you nearly gave me a heart attack." Sirius chuckled lightly, holding her hand, "I didn't realise it was time to head to Hogsmeade. I was going to come and find you in a bit."

"Sorry. No. I just figured something out is all." She explained quickly.

"A-about James. I know who to ask about what happened."
Sirius' eyes widened upon hearing the news, desperate to know anything that might aid him in helping his best friend. However, Asteria knew he wouldn't exactly like the answer she held.

"What did happen? I though nobody knew what happened to James. If anything happened to him, that is." Remus spoke up, as usual, playing the voice of reason.
"But we can find out what did happen. Something must have." Asteria challenged.

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