Chapter 31

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Once Ashton and Lachlan reached the boat, they had a tiny reunion celebration with Karter and Maximilian, but the mood turned gloomy again after Karter and Maximilian saw the sight of Ashton's tear-drenched face and Lachlan told the two the melancholy news of Chester and Raibert. Karter and Maximilian hesitated when Lachlan introduced himself, but with Ashton's reassurance, they agreed to follow the boy. Lachlan offered to lead the group to where Raibert was resting, and they immediately consented.

Soon, after a careful trek through the town while supporting Maximilian, they arrived at a small townhouse where a warm orange light illuminated from within. Lachlan knocked at the door, and when the person who answered saw the familiar faces, they group hugged with laughs and tears.

"Fergus! I'm so glad you're safe!" Ashton cried into the boy's hair.

"I'm glad you all are safe too!" Fergus said, and when Rowan came into the room he joined in the embrace but broke away to attend to Maximilian. Once he settled Maximilian in a room and redressed his wound, he rejoined the group to catch up with the news.

"So how was traveling throughout England?" Karter asked, ruffling Rowan's hair.

"It was very successful. People know the truth about Ashton and are starting to take action now. There was even a little protest in front of the castle a few days ago by the local townspeople," Rowan answered.

"All the printing presses were closed except for the one Rowan's uncle owns, so he helped us make copies of the bulletins," Fergus said. "Then we went around England and distributed them. Rowan was assigned to the northern cities. I was in the center and Everett was in the south."

"Everett?" Ashton asked. "Who's he?"

"Me," a voice replied, and everyone turned to face the source of the voice, a short young man with pale blond hair. Ashton recognized him instantly.

"Wait, you were the tax collector in Egremont!" Ashton exclaimed.



"I recognized you both the instant you came up to the booth, and I wanted to help you somehow. A while later, my family was captured by Leopold. I couldn't just wait around for this war to be over. Besides, it's my duty to serve my king." Then, Everett smiled warmly at Ashton, and Ashton returned it in gratitude.

"Um, Ashton and Karter," Fergus started. "Did you want to visit Raibert?"

They nodded, and Fergus led them to a room against the wall. He knocked on the door to let the occupant know that people were coming in, and he opened the door.

Ashton's heart beat in anticipation, and he wondered how Raibert would react to him and Karter. He probably blamed them for so much, especially the loss of Chester. Ashton's fear was augmented when he saw Raibert sitting up in the bed, staring at the wall, clearly traumatized from everything that happened. There were bandages all over his pale face, and he seemed like he lost a lot of weight. The young man looked much different from when Ashton and Karter were staying with him.

"Raibert," Ashton murmured.

Raibert didn't respond. His face only scrunched up a little, so it looked like he was about to cry.

Ashton and Karter went over to the bedside and Ashton placed a hand on Raibert's shoulder. At that, a few tears escaped Raibert's eyes, and his body shook with sobs.

"I hate you," Raibert grumbled.

Seeing his former friend in this condition made Ashton cry, and he wrapped his arms around him. Karter stood there, looking down, holding back his tears, and not knowing what to do. Ashton knew his action wouldn't make up for anything, but he only hoped that it would console Raibert at least a little.

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