Chapter 17

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(3rd Person)

Today's finally the day, after the harsh training received by (Y/N), Rias Gremory and her peerage were more than ready to take on Riser. They figured since they survived (Y/N), they believed Riser would be easier... and that arrogance will cause them to underestimate their opponents, which will lead to a future none in the room want.

(Y/N) stood next to Asia, offering words of comfort for his best friend considering it was her first time she would be involved in conflict such as this.

(Y/N): You heard Rias' strategy, as much as I hate devils, you're much safer with them than you are with Riser or any of his pieces.

Asia: But...

(Y/N): Hey... look at me. If anything happens to you, I promise I'll be there to protect you.

Asia: But! What about...

(Y/N): Right now, your saftey is my number one priority, I don't give a damn if it'll disqualify Rias, I'll take her hate over you being in danger, you got that?

Asia: But... I can handle myself...

(Y/N): I know...

Asia: Then please...

Asia grew a small fond smile while staring at (Y/N) with sparkling eyes, (Y/N) couldn't help but perk his head upwards slightly in surprise.

Asia: Let me show you how much stronger I've become, so you don't have to watch out for me anymore, ok?

Again another head rise of confusion, (Y/N)'s mouth was agape slightly from surprise, but then it quickly matched Asia's fond smile before nodding.

(Y/N): Alright, little devil...

(Y/N) then proceeded to rub Asia's head much to her slight annoyance, she pretended to hate it by swiping at his arm where in reality she wanted (Y/N) to continue showing his affection to her. (Y/N) turned his attention to Kiba after releasing Asia and then stood right in front of the devil swordsman.

(Y/N): Just remember that speed isn't always everything, you need to take advantage of your other traits too, I know a knight piece is mostly to do with speed, but that doesn't mean that's the only thing you're good at.

Kiba: Noted... though when this all over, I'd like to take you on to see who truely is the fastest: you with your evil energy or me with the speed of a knight piece.

(Y/N): Fine, just don't go crying to Rias when you're face first in the dirt.

(Y/N) gave off a cocky smile whereas Kiba's was one filled with respect, the blonde devil stuck his hand out, only for (Y/N) to chuckle and turn away, facing the next member of Rias' peerage, someone he's going to need to talk to after this.

(Y/N): We, need to discuss something when you finish Koneko, it's about what happened when we first fought, oh, and remember to go fast otherwise your strength won't be able to do anything against opponents faster than you.

She merely nodded in response, (Y/N)'s attention was brought to a pair of arms linking around his right squishing it inside a cage of flesh, Akeno looked at (Y/N) with devious eyes and it caused him to frown.

Akeno: Any encouraging words for me?~

Her answer came in the form of a fist slamming into her face, Akeno instantly released (Y/N) while smiling widely, before touching her face with a red hue in her cheeks, her expression one of obvious arousal.

(Y/N): Don't let your desires get in the way of the fight, you lose focus on your opponent and you die.

Next was the one who was definitely the weakest, all (Y/N) did was stand in front of Issei, his face turned serious causing Issei to gulp in nervousness at what (Y/N) was about to say, everyone else also leaned in to listen.

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