30. The End Game

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- Chapter 30 :

( a/n: yoongs looked rlly hot as usual so i couldn't resist oops )

"H-Hoseok?" Tinuta was shocked as Hoseok's eyes landed on her. Tinuta saw Hoseok's face relax as tears crowded his beautiful eyes. "H-Ho-Hoseok.  .  ." Tinuta burst into tears, stuttering his name.

Hoseok immediately sprinted to the girl, Jungkook and the others peeking into the room before breaking out into a run themselves. Hoseok kneeled in front of Tinuta, ripping off the constrictions she was trapped in within an instant.

Yoongi, Jungkook, Namjoon and Yeri flocked around the girl with worried expressions and tears flying. Tinuta was smiling however, her bloody lips curved up in a smile as her palm rested on his cheek.

"You came." She said quietly as Hoseok grabbed her hand. "You came."

(kj takes over from here)

Hoseok hugged her carefully but securely in his arms as he whispered sweet words into Tinuta's ears. A warmth filled her inside as she rested comfortably in the arms of the man she loved.

"It's going to be okay now. I got you. I'm never letting go again." Hoseok whispered into her ear, caressing her. Her blood was getting on him but he didn't care as he nuzzled the girl, looking up at Namjoon.

"We need to get an ambulance!" Namjoon nodded and stepped away, whipping out his phone as he dialed a number. Yeri crouched next to Tinuta, holding her hand tentatively.

"You're fine Tinuta, we are here now so just hold on tight." Tinuta weakly nodded as Hoseok squeezed her hand, reassuring her. He helped her up, making sure not to hurt her too much as the door swung open and everyone in the room looked towards it.

Jihyun stood at the door, his head tilted at an abnormal angle as he looked around, eyes keen and sinister. Tinuta's eyes widened with terror as she felt Hoseok gently lay her down into Yeri's arms which wrapped around her protectively. 

Everyone watched Hoseok stand and face the man that everyone wanted gone. Jihyun sneered and asked Tinuta tauntingly,

"This is your so-called lover? I thought you had higher standards than this, Tinuta."

Anger flared up in Tinuta as she struggled against Yeri, but the girl wouldn't let her go. Yeri was afraid that Tinuta would hurt herself even more if she tried to fight Jihyun.

Hoseok's hands balled into fists as he took a deep breath. The other three boys stood confidently behind him, ready to confront the man who brought this suffering to everyone. 

"This is child's play." Jihyun scoffed as he reached into the inside of his jacket. "Let's end this once and for all."

Jihyun whipped out a shotgun and the four boys immediately stood around Tinuta and Yeri. Tinuta was now terrified; not about herself, but for the others. Why must they pay the price that she had not?

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