Then, Now, Tomorrow

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Then, Now, Tomorrow

Disclaimer: I own nothing of the vampires the belong to the respective creators/owners


Things seemed so easy back then. The 3 of them forever nothing could tear them apart. Not until that day… it seemed so insignificant then but looking back it tore them apart as the very seam. That though is a story to be revealed later. Right now is the very beginning of a friendship between the 3 main characters. Damon, Stefan and Katherine.

It was a hot summer’s day in Mystic falls and a five year old Katherine sat on the porch playing tea party with her best friend Caroline.

“Did you hear about the new people coming to town? My mom told me they had kids,” Katherine’s ears perked up at the new information. She had known for a while new people were going to move next door but with the prospect of new kids being in town she became excited. “Kids?” she asked her friend happily adorning a toothy smile. Caroline nods returning her smile. “Do you think they’ll like us?” Caroline asks nervously. Katherine rolls her eyes at this she was never one to be shy while Caroline was her complete opposite. “Don’t worry Care I’m sure they are nice people,’’ she reassures her friend.

Caroline relaxes at her friends words. When suddenly a large unloading truck pulls up next to Katherine’s house. While a smaller Volvo trails behind. “Let’s go say hi!’’ Katherine squeaks happily pulling her friend behind her. Katherine looks at the Volvo to see any signs of children upon her search she sees a woman with dark hair and blue eyes get out of the vehicle. She then politely tugs at the woman’s summer dress to get her attention. The woman smiles down at them politely. “Hi, I’m Katherine but they call me Kat and this is my friend Caroline but you can call her Care. We wondering if you have any kids and if they could come and play,” the woman laughed at the girls’ antics but nodded in agreement. “I’m sure Damon and Stefan would love to play with two pretty girls like yourselves,’’ Katherine like her neighbors already.

The older woman called for the two boys. The woman introduces them and waves them off to go play happily. Kat assesses the boys quietly. One was a bit taller with dark hair and the blue eyes he looked a lot like the woman but his eyes were bluer. The other was had green eyes which reminded her of the trees outside and soft brown hair much lighter than her dark brown curls, she really like this one for some reason. “So how old are you?” she asked politely. “I’m 6 and my brother is 5,’’ Damon said confidently. She nodded happy to have someone just as outgoing as her. “Great I’m 5 and so is Care,’’

“Do you wanna play tea party with us?” Caroline asked. At this both boys made a look of horror. While the girls stared at them confused. “We’re boys we don’t play tea party,” Damon says as if it was obvious as Stefan nodded to confirm. Kat looked at Care for a while thinking of game they could play together. “How about hide and seek?” she offered. The boys agreed happily, the four kids played happily until the boys were called in. “Well, we’ll see you two tomorrow right?” Care asked hopefully trying not to cry at the boys leaving. “Sure,’’ Stefan said with a smile, before heading home. The two girls decided to head in as well as Care was sleeping at Kat’s for the night. “I like them,’’ Kat told her best friend as they sat in her room ready for bed. “Yeah, they are really nice,’’ that night Katherine stared out the window that showed the house of her new neighbors. This was the start of something special she could she feel it.  

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