Propuesta ((SpaMano))

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    "Emma, do you think he'll accept? Do you think he actually loves me? What if he-" "Toni, you're such a worrier. I'm sure after three years he would've left you if he didn't actually love you." Emma interrupted the blubbering Spanish man in front of her on the couch.  Her brother, Abel, and her had been helping Antonio with his proposal to Lovino, his boyfriend of three years.

   "It better not be too expensive to go Toni, you're my best friend.. but me and Em are on a tight budget" Abel said handing him a glass of vermouth, a popular wine in Spain. Toni couldn't help it, he was finally proposing! Worries filled his head and he was filled with dread. "Did you ask anyone for his hand yet?" Emma said smiling at the distraught man. "Um.... I'm going to Feliciano's house today" He muttered.

      Antonio got a ride from Emma, even though he did only drink a sip of the vermouth, he was strict on drunk driving. He showed up at the door of the Beilschmidt's, he heard German heavy Metal from what he assumed to be Gilbert's room. He smiled, he and Gil were really close to the point of he calls Toni 'Uncle Toni', he nervously knocked on the front door, feeling the box where the ring was in his jacket pocket. Ludwig opened the door, he smiled saying "Toni, what a nice surprise! Come in" Antonio smiled stepping into the large house. "Well Toni! I almost never see you without Fratello. What brings you hear?" Feliciano said stirring a pot in the kitchen, before calling Gilbert down for dinner. "Well Amigo, I um, since Lovi doesn't have any well.. living parents I can ask this off. I came to ask you." Toni said waking towards the small Italian man that looked like his lover. He look out the velvet box, Feliciano gasped looking at Toni "Is that a?" "Yes, I want to marry Lovi, I've never felt this way towards anyone. I just wanna make him happy and safe in my arms. So Feliciano do I have your permission to marry Lovino Vargas?" He said holding his breath awaiting the answer. "Oh Antonio yes! Oh I can't wait for this, let me see the ring Toni!" Feli said excitedly. Toni chuckled before opening the velvet box to revel a silver band with one band of red diamonds in the center. "Oh! This looks like the one Luddy got me when he engaged" Feliciano showed Antonio the gold ring with emeralds covering the middles band. "Oh Antonio I'm so happy!" "Yeah about time uncle Toni, I thought I'd have to propose for you" Gilbert said walking towards Toni. Toni rolls his eyes and ruffled the albinos hair. "Well I guess I'm off to become a married man!" Antonio yelled rushing back to Emma's car.

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