Chapter 37

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Take care of your health everyone.... It's important to your everything....(check monkeygiggles account and Trail's new book to understand)

"Sane are you just going to keep hiding in my mind or wherever you stay in my body or are you going to try and make a truce at least with Kage?" I heard Sane scoff. "Shouldn't you just mind your own damn business? Or do you want to have a "talk" again?" I quickly shook my head. "NOPE! Never mind, I'm good! Oh look! Is that paper and pencil I see?! I'm going to go draw!" I heard Sane chuckle as I ran over to my desk and I just doodled random crap until it was dinner.

Timeskip Brought to you by Jeff being chased by me cuz he woke me up from my nap!!!

"(Y/n)! Dinner!" I lifted my head from my desk, guessing I probably fell asleep. I looked up to see Masky in my doorway. I nodded and walked up to him and did my normal thing of lifting my arms up. He picked me up and we walked...or well he carried me to the dinning area. He placed me in a seat and I sighed when I didn't see E.J or Hoodie still. When are they coming home? I flinched when someone sat down in E.J's spot and realized it was Kage. I looked at him and he gave a friendly smile. I gave a small smile and then started eating with my hands, happy knowing E.J couldn't force me to eat with the evil mental! Kage gave me a weird look and then looked at Slendy. Slendy shook his head pretty much saying 'don't ask' kinda manner. I acted as if I wasn't paying attention and carried on eating whatever Slendy made, but all I know is that it's now my favorite food. "Slendy? What food is this?" Slendy sighed, knowing I was going to ask. "It is (fav/food) child. When is E.J going to teach you to eat with silverware?" I stuck my tounge out at him and crossed my arms. "NEVER!!!!!" Slendy just "face"palmed and shook his head. Kage then looked like he had a freakin light bulb light up on the top of his head. "I could probably help out too! I could teach him how to use silverware!" Slendy seemed to think for a moment and then nodded. "Why Slendy?!"I heard Sane groan. Slendy looked at me and I shook my head, saying not to say anything to Sane. After that we carried on eating and then as I was about to leave, Kage just had to come up to me, pick me up, and set me in my usual chair again. "Ok we are going to be learning about silverware a little bit and then you can run and do whatever. Ok?" I slammed my face down and the table on Kage started rambling on and on about this "silverware".

Make it end oh my god.....


I would make more, but I'm really usual and Its been a mess lately. I wish you guys happy life and good hope and I'll see you guys later....BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!!


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