3 // flinch.

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the journey seemed longer than usual. michael was sure it was because of the silence between him and the girl with the red hair, as she glided on her mascara, her hand shaking as the wheels rolled along the road.

"i'm michael," he found himself saying, and the girl with the red hair glanced up, her hair falling back and a badly concealed bruise on her cheekbone becoming visible.

she nodded at him. "i'm nico," she replied quietly, before shifting back around and continuing to finish her make up.

"nico's a pretty name," michael mumbled to himself. nico heard and glanced up again, an unmistakable smile on her face.

she had a nice smile, michael thought, with two prominent dimples that he noticed.

"michael is a cute name," nico replied, twisting the lid of her mascara and pushing it back into her pink purse. "so, where are you going?" she asked.

michael lifted his arm to point, and nico immediately flinched. he raised an eyebrow.

"are you...okay?"

nico twiddled with her thumbs, relaxing slightly as michael's hand dropped back to his lap.

"i'm fine," nico replied coolly. "i just got a bit jumpy. that's it."

"well...okay." michael felt awkward. "just so you know, you shouldn't be afraid to talk."

nico looked up, incredulous. michael pretended he couldn't see her expression, and instead watched as bus stop next to parahmore road came closer.

"looks like that's your stop," michael smiled at nico, who didn't say anything. she smiled a little back, before looking down at her lap, slightly embarrassed.

"you know a lot, don't you?" nico brushed her hair back with her fingers. michael watched as it shone in the sunlight.

"just..." michael began and nico looked over at him as she gathered her things and got up. he didn't finish his sentence, and instead watched her go, a small smile on her face. he watched her disappear down parahmore road again.

"...be safe." michael finished.

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