chapter 1

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I awoke to the sound of my alarm going off loudly in my ear,I pick it up and throw it across the room hearing it break.I'm about to go back to sleep when my mom walks into my room.
"Wake up you dont want to be late on your first day of school now do you?"I respond with a soft groan and cover my face with my blanket
"Violet did you seriously break another alarm? it's only your first day!I am not buying you another one so have fun with that!"she yells ripping my blanket off my bed.
"I'm sorry mom I didn't mean to break it.."I say half asleep
"We both know thats not true now, get up and get ready you have to be at school in an hour"she says leaving the room.

I get up and take a shower,do my make up,and get dressed.I Grab my phone, keys and bag and head out down the stairs.I grab an apple and walk out the door yelling goodbye to my mom.

I get in my car and and about 10 minutes later I arrive at the school.I walk into school already noticing something strange is going on here.I keep my head down so I don't draw too much attention. It seems I failed because I soon feel like I'm being watched. I look up and see almost everyone looking at me,some were glaring and some looked confused.

I speed up my walking and soon make it to the office without any complications.
"Hello what can I do for you today?" The lady at the front desk asks.
"I just moved here and I need to get my schedule" I say with a soft smile.
"What's your name?"she asks typing on her computer.
"Violet Storm"I reply.she prints out a paper and hands it to me.
"Here is your schedule and locker combo"she tells me
"Okay thank you have a nice day"I tell her with a smile. I walk out of the door looking at my schedule.I look up from my paper just in time for me to bump into someone.I start to fall to the floor when I suddenly feel arms around my waist holding me up.I look up and see the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry I wasnt watching where I was going!"I say having a mini freak out.
"Don't worry about it sweet cheeks" the boy smirks
"Don't call me sweet cheeks I have a name now if you will excuse me I have to go"I say and quickly walk away to find my first period.

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