Chapter I

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Valentine was rushed to the hospital, due to her collapsing from all the smoke she had inhaled from the house fire. She was being rushed down the hallway to get to the surgery units to try and give her a fighting chance of living. The Nurses and Doctors were shouting orders at each other and trying to get Valentines attention but nothing seem to work. Valentines eyes were unfocused, she kept looking at her surrounding, trying to make anything connect. Nothing did. Valentine, who was once a bright and happy soul is now a lost and wondering, trying to make her way back. When the Doctors got her into the operation theatre they got straight to it. They tried everything they could, but it was failing. Valentine was giving up on the world, all she wanted was to see her friends again. She knew she couldn't. The surgeons somehow, after hours of surgery, had managed to stabilize Valentine to a point that she has a fighting chance to survive.

Valentine was placed in a ward and her remaining family members were called to come to the hospital to see the condition that Valentine was in. When they heard the news, it tore them apart because they knew what was going on inside Valentine's mind at that moment. They left for the hospital as quickly as they could, all hoping for the best. They reach the reception and ask for Valentine's room number and directions. They run down the halls, finally reaching Valentine's room. When they see her lying on the bed with multiple wires and tubes connected to her they break down, they couldn't bare the sight of Valentine in her condition. Not long after a Doctor walks in and addresses them, then goes on to explain Valentine's condition. "Valentine's condition is very bad, it is almost at a worst case scenario. During the house fire, she had inhaled a lot of smoke that has caused her lungs to collapse on themselves, along side that, she was burnt severely by the fire, hence the bandages that are covering her body. All of those componence has caused Valentine to go into a coma. We don't know if she will come out of it yet, because we do not know the impact of the fire and losing her friends, has caused on her mental sterility." 

Valentine's remaining family didn't know what to do. Valentine has come such a long way from when she was a child and a long way from what she went through over the years. They knew that if Valentine ever woke up she wouldn't be in the best state of mind because Roki, Lizzie and JS had really helped her become the person she was today. And they knew that Valentine would never be the same again without  them by her side. They don't want to let Valentine go yet because they believe that if they help her as much as they can, they could help bring Valentine to be herself and not depressed because she will be when she wakes up from her coma. Everybody just wishes thing could be ok again and be the way they were before the house fire. Maybe then Valentine won't give up in time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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