Chapter 5

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I slowly sat up, face wet from crying.

"Kami, are you okay?"

I look up at Amber, wide-eyed.

"Kami!" She grabbed my shoulders. "I've never seen you with so much fear in your eyes."

I just stared, I wouldn't move no matter how much I tried.

"Kami!" She then started shaking me. "Snap out of it."

I finally came back to reality. "Am... ber..." I looked up at here. "Why am I like this?" I looked down on my hands.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but its okay now."

No its not. I thought to my self. It never will be...

Knock knock.

"Who is it?" Amber called, not letting me go.


"You can come in." She turned back towards me and pulled me closer.

I then started crying even more.

"What's going on?" Toru walked in and saw us on the floor.

Amber shrugged as she continued to hold me.

I calmed down and finally sat back.

"Nothing." I sniffled as I wiped my face. "Can you guys give me a moment by myself, please?"

The nodded and walked out. I stayed quiet and waited to see if they were going to start talking.

"What happened?"

"She woke up crying and mumbling 'never again.'"

"Do you know why?"

"No, but I'm worried."

There was silence after that. They want to know, and they're my close friends, but I never tell anyone.

I got up, dried my face with a small towel I had on top of my dresser, and then changed into my school uniform. As much as I didn't want to go to school, I have to go.

I opened my bedroom door, into the living room of my door and saw Amber and Toru sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"You okay?"

I nodded. "Let's just go to school." My face felt normal, like nothing happened this morning, or yesterday at school. As if I wasn't crying at all...

Toru, Amber, and I walked through the school gates and everyone was staring. As we walked by, they started backing up, like they were scared.

"Whats with them?" Amber whispered over to me.

I shrugged and continued walking. I could hear so much muttering.

Is she the new Queen?

Wait she actually dethroned Kano?

Are you kidding? She actually took him on?!

Yeah, you didn't hear?

No, so whats the situation?

Has the previous Queen come back?

I think I seen Sara somewhere.

Has she heard the news?

With Kano around, there's no doubt.

Shh, Kami's coming.

Too late. I thought. I heard everything, but they don't know that, thankfully.

"Where is she!" I heard yelling from down the hall. I glanced over and seen people getting pushed out of the way. The girl causing all the commotion stopped when she got to the end, turned and looked right at me. She must be the Queen. "You."

She marched in my direction and stopped right in front of me and glanced down, then back up, like she was observing me.

"So you're the one, huh?" She crossed her arms and glared at me. Then her eyes glowed. Shit she activated her ability.

"Uh-huh, I don't know wha-"

"Don't lie to me." She got closer. "You're the one who beat Kano, right?"

"N-no!" I lied. "You must be mistaken me for someone else!" I defensively put my hands up, hoping she wouldn't throw a punch. But I don't know what her ability is, so who knows.

"Lies." She was in my face, and I couldn't move. My legs wouldn't budge when I tried to back up. So this is her ability.

"Get away from me." I muttered, closing my eyes shut.

"Or what?" She picked me up off the ground by my shirt. I was able to move my head, so I looked around and seen everyong gathered around, watching, some were videoing and laughing.

I turned back at her and glared. "I said get away from me!" I screamed. I felt her grip release from me and I collapsed to the floor, along with hearing a loud slam in front of me. I must have sent her flying away from me.

I heard everyone around us gasp really loudly.

What was that?

Did she do that?

She couldn't move, how could she?

Maybe she does have an ability.

But her eyes didn't glow.

Does she have to activate it to use it?

All the murmurs around me got louder until the Queen stood up. I still don't know her by name, but she seemed pretty strong, she was shorter than me with wavy, yellow hair.

The Queen stood up, cracked her neck, and started walking towards me. I stood up quickly and throttled my arm forward, using telekinesis to hold her against the wall.

"I warned you to get away from me. I wanted to avoid fights, but you push me to the limits." I stopped walking and looked around. "All of you." I turned back to the Queen. "I don't know what or who got it ingrained into your mind to always make low-tiers feel like shit, and so call it putting them in their place. You high-tiers disgust me, and its time to make you feel what you made all low and mid-tiers feel."

I threw her over in the distance, far from the crowd. After a few moments, I heard her muttering.

She thinks she's so powerful, then just try and let her- owww.

The moment she groaned, I realized what I was doing, again. As much as I knew my past, I needed to stop, but I felt the power growing in me. I can't revert back to my old self, but if I can control it, I should be fine. I'm too powerful for my own good.

I sighed heavily and headed in the Queen's direction. "Hey."

She spit out a little blood from being tossed so far. "What do you want with me now?"

I bent down and started healing her.

She looked at me angry, yet confused. "Why would you heal me after beating me-? And wait,"

I stopped her. "My ability isn't important right now, right now is you rest up and recover." I then walked away, heading to class.

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