49: Game On, Loser

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Chapter 49: Game On, Loser


"You did not," I shook my head in disbelief.

"I was only 5," Ace tried to defend himself.

"How does a 5 year old try to push his sister down the slide then somehow end up in a bush?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You'd be surprised," He shrugged, "Did you know it happened here? In Walkers Park?"

I shook my head, "How could I? I was the same age as you."

Plus I had different events on my mind but let's go with the age thing.

I packed up the last of the blankets into the picnic basket when Ace picked it up and asked me, "Hey, are you still hungry?"

"Is that even a question?" I folded my arms.

"Well you just asked one.." He said with a smile but then dropped it when he saw my face, "I mean, okay..let's just drop this off and I can take you to one of my favourite places on earth."

"Why would you take me to the bathroom?"

It was Ace's turn to roll his eyes, "Come on, Cupcake."

His hand moved closer to mine and I retracted it instinctively, it was natural after all those years of training.

He looked surprised for a moment before his eyes gazed into mine, reassuring me.

"Here." He spoke softly then gently placed his hand with mine.

Ace locked his fingers into mine, sending the much anticipated sparks through mine and ran up my arm, throughout my body.

If this is what Attachments usually feel like, I think I might consider bending that rule just a little bit.


After putting the basket in the back seat and taking our seats in Ace's famed lamborghini, he started driving to the mysterious place with one hand on the wheel and the other firmly gripped in mine.

"Why won't you tell me where it is? It's not like I'm gonna do any damage to it."

"It's food, Cupcake, you damage anything that has food."

"Good point," I nodded my head, "So it must be some kind of restaurant or cafe since it has food, right?"

Ace gave me a quick wink, "I knew there had to be a good reason why they chose you to be an agent."

I quietened down.

"Are you still mad at me for it?"

"Well I wouldn't be taking you on a date if I was still mad," he made a turn on the roundabout, "Plus..I'm not mad but my mood gets kind of a little deflated when I think back to then..or get reminded of it."

"Right..so are we almost there yet?" I changed the subject due to his hinting.

"Oh please, you aren't going to be one of those people who ask that every 5 seconds, are you?"

"Depends what kind of mood I'm in, don't worry, I'm not in a: Annoy Ace mood." I smirked.

"Great, I don't think my poor little brain could handle that."

"You're right, your brain is little."

"I take that back, are you sure you're not in a: Annoy Ace mood?"

I grinned, "Positive."

"Alright.." He said uneasily, "Anyway, we are here."

I didn't realise that he already parked the car and we were outside a brightly coloured building that smelled nice from the car.

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