blondes, hunks & like liking

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15: blondes, hunks & like liking

(alternate title: players, cheaters & pumpkin-eaters)

(alternate title: players, cheaters & pumpkin-eaters)

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maya's pov

"Fuck me," Michael muttered as he bowled into the gutter for the third time. "I'm out of practice, is all."

I let myself laugh loudly at his apparent disappointment in himself, even though no one else was taking the game seriously. We had split into teams after eating some pizza and it was uplifting how well the four of us got along. The temporary awkwardness between Calum and myself had dispersed and we were both enjoying ourselves immensely. Seeing Sam throw her head back in laughter over small things Michael would do filled me with happiness. She rarely let herself have fun when with people other than myself, and sometimes Abbie, and it was nice to see her branch out.

My eyes glanced up to the score and I suddenly realized that it was my turn. I pushed myself off my chair that was incredibly close to Calum's and grabbed a bowling ball. I took a deep breath in before gliding my arm back and following through with the ball as I released. The ball glided down the lane and hit the middle pin dead-on, causing the other pins to follow in a fast-motion ripple effect.

"What the shit!" I turned around to see Michael jump up and I threw my head back as I watched him become frustrated. "That's the fourth strike from you! How are you doing that?" Michael walked up to me and I shrugged my shoulders before bouncing away from him and back to my chair. "Jacobson has this rigged." Michael walked back to his seat and sat down with a thud, crossing his arms firmly over his chest.

"It's okay, Mike," Calum told him, laughing breathily as he leaned forward in his chair. "You're just out of practice, remember?" Michael turned to Calum and sent him a glare.

"Is anyone gonna pay any attention to my go?" Sam began to jokingly pout and we all looked over at her.

"Of course! I'm counting on you," Michael told her, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees as he laid his chin against his hands that were tightly clasped together.

"Don't say that," Sam said, laughing quietly as she turned around. "I'll disappoint you if you count on me." As Sam yelled back to Michael, I looked over at him to see his smile twitch into a frown.

"You could never disappoint anyone," Michael told her and I smiled to myself as I looked back at Sam, watching her intently as she swung her arm back.

As the ball rolled down the lane and hit the perfect spot, causing all the pins to eventually fall over, I would've been lying if I said I wasn't surprised.

"I did it!" Sam jumped up as she cheered and Michael quickly pushed himself off of his chair and wrapped his arms around her.

"That's my girl!" Michael said, lifting Sam in the air to celebrate for just a moment before they both realized what they were doing. Michael let Sam down almost as soon as he lifted her and they both awkwardly stood beside each other as they chewed on their lower lips. I glanced back at Calum to find him looking at me and I sent him a smile, which he immediately reciprocated. "I knew you had it in you." I looked back to see Michael lift his hand and Sam eagerly high-fived him before they both took a seat.

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