Into the Woods

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Robin quickly took to the trees, jumping from branch to branch, as we chased after the demon Pac-Man. Unlike Robin, I hadn't time to change, so I was still in my street clothes. All I could do was hold on to my baseball cap and run.

You'd think for someone that could move fast enough that Kid Flash couldn't see, I'd catch up to the beast with no problem; but it seemed like the closer I got, the further away it became. Finally, the creature stopped. Robin and I slowed and he joined me on the ground. The creature didn't move; it just stood there staring at us, like it was taunting us.

Suddenly Robin yelled, "Look out!" and tackled me. Three shuriken struck a tree.

"I'm glad to see my training paid off," said a dark, smooth voice. "Too bad you're still such a disappointment."

"Come into the light, and I'll show you just how much of a disappointment I am!" Robin yelled into the woods.

A old man stepped out of the shadows. I immediately recognized him as Ra's al Ghul, Damian's grandfather (on his mother's side). "You were grown to be the perfect assassin. To take back the world. Or at the very least become a host body for me. But no, you had to follow in your father's footsteps." Ra's slowly drew a sword. Somehow it matched Robin's blade. "I hope you still know how to use that," Ra's said motioning to Robin's sword.

"Go," Robin said to me, "deal with the creature. I've got the old man."

I faced the Pac-Man monster as Robin and Ra's circled each other. The creature seemed to chuckle for a moment before disappearing further into the woods. I chased after it. I could hear the sounds of clanging swords behind me.

I jumped over roots, ducked under branches, and made small leaps when I could. Finally, the woods cleared and I reached the camp's lake. The creature waited for me on the dock. As I got close, it dived into the water. It barely slipped through my fingers as I dived towards it just before it faded into the water.

"Shoot!" I said, hitting the dock.

I then noticed my reflection and it made me pause. I leaned closer to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Instead of my normal t-shirt, jeans, cap, and glasses, I wore a Union Jack shirt and had a cigarette in my mouth. I also looked to have dark bags around my eyes.

Suddenly, the reflection began to laugh. "That's right, kiddo, I'm in your head," said a distorted version of my voice.

I recognized the distortion and a chill went down my back. "Manchester Black," I whispered.

"Right on the first try. I might have to rethink my opinion on the idiocy of your family. Nah." The voice sounded a bit more like mine but with a hint of a British accent.


"Well, it's a long story, mate, but here's the cliff notes. After you and your little girlfriend whomped me with that psychic feedback ploy, I found myself in the body of the nearby cow." He started to chuckle. "And guess what, it was marked for slaughter. I soon found myself as hamburger meat. I was then shipped off to a school cafeteria—yours to be exact. And wouldn't luck have it, you ate it. Now, I'm in your body slowly taking it over from the inside. And once I do, I'll go 'catch up' with dear old Dad." The reflection began laughing cruelly. "I told you'd be way or the other."

The next thing I knew, Robin was pulling me out of the water. I coughed and spat. I didn't hear much of what he said, but I got the idea that somehow he'd overheard or had figured out what happened.

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