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Lou's POVI got up as Four woke us up early in the morning

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Lou's POV
I got up as Four woke us up early in the morning. I got dressed in new clothes we got and tied my hair in messy bun. I walked with Elena into training room and saw Four and Eric talking. We walked in front of them and listened to what they talked about our training.
"We'll do a little of sparring today. Everything that you do here is going to be rated and you'll be ranked."
We nodded and went to sparring.
I smiled as Elena nervously tried to spare with me. I nodded.
"It's okay. We'll go easy."
Elena nodded and we started. She was good, blocking my attacks. I was gently trying to hit her.
Eric walked to us.
Elena moved from me as Eric stopped in her place.
"Punch me."
My eyes widened.
Eric growled.
"Punch me."
I glanced at Elena.
Eric walked closer to me, he was hovering over me.
"Are you scared?"
I scoffed and did something I never thought I would. I pulled my fist back and punched him hard in the jaw.
His head turned and I took hold of my hand. It hurt like a bitch but it was worth it.
Eric turned his head to me and I saw Four looking worried.
"It was a good punch. Don't go soft on anyone. Especially other initiate."
Elena blushed as he said this and he walked towards Four.
I looked shocked at Elena. She shrugged and we continued sparring.
It was dinner time and I was hungry. As it was my turn to take food, the cook lady put a sandwich on my plate. I looked confused but took plate anyway. I sat next to Elena and she looked confused.
"How did you get that?"
I shrugged.
"I don't. They gave it to me."
Elena hummed. I glanced at Eric and suddenly got a feeling that he had something to do with this. But then I remembered it was Eric so definitely not.
Four walked to me after dinner and sighed.
"You need to be more careful, Lou. Eric is not someone to mess with."
My eyes widened.
"He told me to punch him."
Four frowned.
I nodded.
"He came to us and said to punch him. I didn't want to but he asked was I scared so I punched him."
Four got lost in his thoughts.
"Hmm. He never did that. He never gave anyone an advice on anything. This is weird."
I nodded.
"Very weird. Anyway, thanks for looking out for me."
Four nodded as I pulled him in a hug. He tensed but soon relaxed and hugged me back. I giggled.
"See you tomorrow."
Four nodded and smiled at my bubbly personality.
"See you tomorrow."
I sat on my bed and smiled at an initiate who looked shyly my way.
"I'm Lou."
He smiled nervously.
I grinned.
"Nice to meet you."
He smiled more.
"You too."
I layed down and sighed. As my head hit a pillow I fell asleep.

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