Chapter Two: Bad Boy Meetings Part II

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2 | Bad Boy Meetings Part II:

Be sure to check out the wonderful trailer on the side, made by @thefaultinourpizzas and the banner/cover made on the side is by @mainstreams

       “So I heard you and my sister caused a scene this morning,” my friend Scott said, as he popped up from behind me, as I rummaged through my locker. Scott had this annoying habit of popping up out of nowhere, at the wrong time.

    “I rather not talk about it if you don’t mind,” I grumbled, as I grabbed the necessary books I needed for the morning and stuffed them into my bag. Scott slammed my locker for me and threw his arm around my shoulders.

     “I’m sorry, dude. I told you not to do it,” He pointed out, as he ruffled my hair. A big smile was on his face as he laughed at my failure. Slapping his arm off of my shoulder, I grunted and started to walk faster to my next class.

    “Just leave me alone,” I grumbled, flipping the finger.

     “I heard what happened,” said a familiar voice from behind me, I stopped and turned around to face my other best friend, Will. “Bradley’s a bitch, you could do better.” She said, reassuringly.

     “Thanks for the sympathy, Will,” I replied, “Maybe you can teach your boyfriend how to show it,”

      “Don’t mind, Scott,” She said, rolling her eyes, “He’s an idiot,”

       “Hey!” Scott whined from behind us, as he tried to catch up to our pace, “I am not!”

       “If you say so,” Will giggled to herself beside me.


        “No, I am not!” Scott repeated, as he crept from behind Will and started tickling her. I rolled my eyes at the chuckling couple and groaned out loud. Usually on a good day, I was able to handle Scott and Will’s PDA cuteness but right now, It made me sick to my stomach.

     “I’ll see you two at lunch,” I grumbled, as I took bigger strides to my first period class. I had two minutes left before I was late to class and I rather not spend them being around my two lovestruck friends. I turned around and glanced at the couple and sure enough they were already in the first stage of the passionate morning kissing. Bleh.


  Stepping into my first period class, English, I quickly notice that someone is sitting in my favorite seat. It’s the third to last seat on the right side of the class, next to the window. I’ve been sitting in that seat since the first day of school, and everyone knows that. I quickly walking through the class, ignoring the stares and snickers from my classmates who probably already heard about my ‘conflict’ in the hall, and head to my desk.

      Staring at the girl in my seat, I narrow my eyes and analyze her. Her dirty blonde hair is slightly slicked back and pinned with a black and white skull hair pin. She’s wearing a white tee shirt with a band’s name on it and her hands are tucked inside of her short, denim overalls. She stares back at me, waving her hand in my face.

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