Chapter Three: Bad Boy Blueprint

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3 | Bad Boy Blueprint

Movie poster on the side made by @AmiraHenderson. I updated from my phone so sorry for any mistakes. Vote and Comment because it's highly appreciated :3

Four, long, hours later, I was heading towards the cafeteria because it was time for lunch. I knew that at this point, I was going to have to tell Will and Scott my side of the story about what happened this morning with Bradley-I couldn't avoid it any longer.

As I walked down the halls, I caught the attention of several students. I mean, seriously? What happened wasn't even a big deal. I'm sure plenty of guys in this school has asked Bradley out on a date and was rejected. What's so special about my situation? I flipped the finger to a few snickering students and increased in speed. In a matter of minutes, I was finally in the cafeteria.

Completely ignoring the lunch line, in an attempt to avoid anymore stares and snickers, I headed straight to my usual table. I instantly spotted Will's wavy curls and Scott's football, that was placed on top of the white and black, rectangular table.

"Heeey, Liam," Scott said, in a sing-song voice. I quickly darted my eyes to him, then looked way. I was in no mood for his extra-happiness.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Will spat, as she took a small bite of her chicken salad. "Is everyone still making fun of you? Because I'll fuck them up for you if you want me to?"

"Thanks for the offer, but no thank you," I replied,stretching my legs out on the bench seat of the table. Since Scott was the head quarterback of the football team, usually the rest of the guys will be filling up the table-but not today.

"Where's the guys?" I asked, as I shuffled in my bag for my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Did they finally get tired of Will's abusiveness?" And that rewarded with a punch in the arm for no other than the girl herself.

"I'm not that abusive!" She cried, looking at her boyfriend in hopes that he will back her up. Scott quickly looked at me and I replied with a shrug of the shoulders.

"Well..." He began, but never finished because Will's hand raised up and moved closer to Scott's cheek. "The guy are practicing for the game next week,"

"Shouldn't you be practicing with them?" I questioned, taking a huge bite out of my sandwich. All that frustration and anger made me feel ravenous.

"I rather be here; helping my best friend out with hisgirl problems," He replied, as a friendly smile grew upon his face."Plus, we have practice again after school, so I'll be fine,"

"Okay, enough beating around the bush," Will interjected, straightening out her posture and leaning closer to me from across the table, "Tell us what happened with Bradley."

Sighing, I subconsciously ran my fingers through my hair and close my eyes. "She rejected my invitation to go on a date."

"No shit," Scott said, "what exactly did she say? Be detailed Liam!"

"Like usual I was waiting for her at her locker so I can walk her to her first period class, at the heat of the moment, because it was on my mind all morning, I decided that I was going ask her out. When we were heading to her class, I asked her the anticipated question, and at that point a lot of people stopped and started crowding around us. I mean, who wouldn't? Every knew I was in love with the damn girl,"

"So she just said no to you in front of everyone?" Will questioned.

"Yeah, she said no because I'm too nice and she's too emotionally unstable because of her last relationship,"

"Bullshit," muttered Will as she rolled her eyes, "How can someone be too nice?"

"I know but maybe-"

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