{Chapter 13}

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The remains of the old woman who had helped you laid splattered across the ground. Bits of flesh and her outfit dotted the front porch like polka dots.

You gagged and stared in horror. Her broken glasses laid at your feet. You wanted to scream but nothing came out. A red balloon floated at the edge of the porch. "Come home, (Y/N)." it read in white writing.

You just squeaked quietly and backed away, shutting the front door. You tripped over something and fell right on your ass, wincing in pain. The whole room went dark and all you could hear was quiet creaking sounds. You closed your eyes and cringed as you felt something touch your shoulder.

Whatever it was, it started to purr. You looked down to see a cat. A small brown tabby cat with bright green eyes. It mewed loudly and  continued to rub against you. You relaxed a little. Despite how terrified you were, having another living creature with you made you feel less jumpy.

You sat up, which earned you a disapproving look from the cat, and looked around. Everything was silent, and whatever you had seen before was gone. "What's happening to me?" you asked no one in particular and covered your face. The cat just meowed loudly in response and sat down next to you.

You glanced at the cat and sighed. You didn't care if this thing couldn't understand you. You started to tell the cat everything about what had happened since you disappeared from Derry.

The cat listened intently, tilting his head here and there and making little meowing sounds. By the time you finished, you were crying. You so badly just wanted to see your brother and father again. The cat didn't understand, but purred and rubbed against you anyway.

Despite everything that had happened, you felt relieved. Having someone you could talk to, even if it was just a random stray cat, made you feel much better.

You stared at the cat, who stared right back at you. He purred loudly and rubbed against your hand, asking to be pet. You sighed and gently stroked his soft coat of brown fur, then looked around again. Maybe the old lade wasn't dead. Maybe it was just your mind playing tricks. Maybe it was that stupid clown. Maybe none of this even existed.. And it was a trap.

A trap set up to get you to stay with him forever. So you can slowly turn you into a disgusting creature like him. Living off of nothing but fear and human flesh. Maybe the cat you were petting right now was that horrible creature, and he was just playing the innocent game.

Without thinking, you gently shoved the cat away and stared at it. And he just stared right back.

Love's a Pain {Pennywise x Reader PT. 2}[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now