707 : My Hair~

592 6 0

( Deep Story ; Day 4 ; 17:14 PM 6:14 PM ; Messages )

707: Still~ not~ working~ Hey skull, hurry up and show me my pretty screen!!

707: I got bored and had to text you lololol We talked about a hair salon earlier.

707: What hairstyle do you think would suit me? Broccoli hair? Bald?

MC: I like you with curly hair. Looks cute~

707: OMG Critical hit on my heart!!!

707: Damage 9999..... Use a recovery skill!

707: I feel like CPR or a heart massage will only make it race faster,

707: so go put on the spell~! Seven~ Seven~ Dead~ or~ alive~

>> BONUS <<

( Deep Story ; Day 4 ; 17:07 PM 6:07 PM ; Hacker is dangerous ; Chatroom )

707: MC!

MC: 707!

707: Hiya hiya!

707: lolololol

707: Did you see Zen's selfie? lololol

707: How does he manage to post selfies every time?

707: Amazing +_+

MC: You're more of the mysterious type, so you can't post selfies as often. lol

707: lol

707: Ur right.

707: I am a bit mysterious. lol

707: But

707: truthfully,

707: Zen is good looking.

707: He's way more good looking than I am. lolol

( hes not )

707: To begin with,

707: I don't go to the salon

707: so already there we have a huge difference...

707: Haha

707: ha

707: ...

707: Should I ask Mary Vanderwood to cut my hair?

MC: Should I cut your hair? lol I want to.

707: U? lol

707: I'm curious of how it'd turn out,

707: but T_T

707: I'm too busy to go anywhere.

707: Will you cut my hair at the party? lololol

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