Chapter 12

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Tom's POV

The planning for the wedding began immediately. Jen and I had come to the conclusion the sooner we were married, the sooner we could start our new life together. Life was busy. I was frantically juggling about my work, the wedding plans along with keeping Jen happy. It was hard but I made the best of it and I coped. Jen had spent many afternoons with her friends, with their noses in books organising venues and setting arrangements. They hired florists and dress makers, never stopping and keeping me informed with only the necessary information. I preferred it this way. I was busy with filming, although we were thankfully nearing it's end. Some evenings after work Jen would make me write out invitations with her to send out to our close friends and immediate family. It wasn't so bad although I don't think Jen will let me help her any longer for the last time I started a war with a handful of coloured felt tipped pens and ruined one of her tops.

One of the things I did get a say in was picking my best man. This was an easy decision for me and Jen knew exactly who I was going to pick before I even told her. Chris Hemsworth. I became close with Chris not long after we started filming Thor together and the brotherly bond you see in the movie soon began to develop between us off set. He truly was a tremendous guy, always joking around and carrying on. He got on well with Jen too which was great. When I asked Chris to be my best man, I couldn't hold my laughter in when his face lit up like a child's face on Christmas morning. He threw his arms around my shoulders and squeezed the air out of my chest. Then he pulled back with that dopey grin on his face and agreed. We went out for lunch after we had finished up on set.

We arrived at the pizza place and Chris eagerly began to bombard me with questions but the question that really got me thinking was, “Are you scared?” In reply I laughed as if it were the stupidest question I had ever heard. I told him that of course I was scared but that did not matter. Fear can be easily over come. I am not scared of the commitment, but of the change. I told him quite simply that I loved her and I would never love anyone like I loved Jen and that was the truth. He embraced me once again before saying, “You are ready.”

Months flew in and before I knew it, it was the night before our wedding. All the arrangements had been put into place. I lay on the sofa with Jen, enjoying our last few hour together for I would not be staying the night with her. I would stay with Chris tonight and the next time I would see my beloved Jen would be at the alter the following day to say our “I do's.” I smiled, content with everything. I placed my lips on Jen's head.

“It is hard to believe that tomorrow we will be married.” I told her as she shifted on my chest to stare up at me.

“Yes, I know. Everything is going to be perfect. A perfect start to a perfect future,” she mused. Her eyes glistened, happiness burning from deep within them.

“This is what you want?” I asked. I wanted to make sure she was happy with what was happening.

“Of course it is. I love you, Tom, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“I love you too,” I whispered, as my lips made there way to hers, kissing her ruby lips passionately.

Jen's POV

A loud rattling on the door of the apartment woke me from my peaceful sleep. I dragged myself out of my bed to answered the door. Opening the door, I was greeted with an over enthusiastic, Penny, who was far to cheerful for this time in the morning.

“Good morning,” she chimed as she bounced past me into the apartment.

“Morning,” I greeted groggily. Penny stopped and looked at me, putting her hands on her hips.

“Cheer up, sleeping beauty, it's the big day!” I froze for a moment, allowing the fact that I was getting married today to register in my brain, which was still half asleep. My eyes went wide and I grabbed my maid of honour's hand and bounced excitedly on the spot with her.

“I'm getting married!” I screamed. Penny just laughed.

With in an hour I had had my breakfast and was showered. I sat at a chair next to table and Penny got to work. She had removed all the mirrors in the room so I couldn't see her work until she was finished. She yanked and pulled at my hair, pinning it back and spraying it in place. She tugged a comb backwards through my hair. To say the least, it hurt and the more I complained the more she laughed at me.

“Ouch,” I hissed.

“Sorry,” she laughed. “You need to look beautiful. No pain, no gain.” She chuckled.

“You can say that again,” I moaned.

“Are you sure about this, Jen?” Penny asked sounding a little worried.

“Of course, I love him.” Why did everyone think I was going to back out of this? First Tom now Penny. Jeez.

“Okay, I'm just checking. I don't want you getting into something you're going to regret.” She's just looking out for me, I know, but I was one hundred and ten percent sure that I was making the right decision.

“Thanks, Penny, but you don't need to worry. I'll be okay. I know that what I'm doing is right, I can feel it. You'll see.” When she was finished, she allowed me to see a mirror, and I gasped at the reflection staring back at me.

After a few hours of preparation, I was escorted to the church where I was greeted by my bridesmaids, one of which was Tom's delightful sister, Emma. Penny touched up my make up and pinned back a few stay strands of hair before taking my hand in hers and forcing me to look at her.

“I'm happy for you Jen, you look amazing. I love you,” she squeaked as her eyes began to well up.

“No crying, you'll make me cry and then all your hand work will be ruined. I love you too. Thank you so much, Penny. Thank you for everything.” I threw my arms around her and stood with her for a few minutes as we regained our composure.

“Yep, yep. It's time to go. We don't want to keep them waiting.” She shuffled me along to my dad, who's eyes glistening with tears. He took my hand and walked me to the start of the aisle as the music started. I stared down the aisle, past the guests and found him. Tom was at the alter, in a smart black tux with the biggest smile stretched across his face, eagerly awaiting my arrival. I began my descend down the aisle towards my new future.

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