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"Y-yoongi hyung, I.... I really don't know what to say"

Yoongi stayed still in his spot, eyes never leaving Jungkook

"I want Jimin to be happy, Jimin hyung deserves everything, I never want to see any sad tears leave his eyes, I always want to see my hyung smiling and happy, and Yoongi hyung, if you can promise me, promise me that you'll give him that happiness, and that you'll give all your love to him, then you have my blessing." Jungkook spoke with sincerity in his eyes.

Yoongi sniffed, getting on his knees, kneeling down until his forehead touched the ground, shocking the younger two in the room.

"Thank you, and I promise on my life, I will make Jimin happy" he lifted his head getting up.

Jungkook motioned Yoongi to come closer and as the older did, Jungkook wiped away his tears smiling up at him, his own tears glistening in his eyes.

"I trust you" and with that Yoongi hugged the younger tightly.


Ughhh I hate walking up these stairs, Jimin thought, finally arriving to the top of the sight seeing place where he can look down to all of Jeju and waterfalls.

" it's already 6pm where is he" Jimin pouted looking around for Yoongi.

He sighed not seeing the older anywhere in sight, so he walked to a bench, and plopped himself down, resting his chin onto his palm.

"Excuse me?" Jimin opened his eyes to see a young little girl standing there, a white rose in her hand.

"Are you Jimin oppa?"

"Yes I am" Jimin smiled cocking his head to the side questioningly.

"This is for you" the little girl handed him the white rose running off into the crowded area.

"Hey wait!"

looking at the rose in his hand, and trying to process what happened, Jimin wondered how the little girl knew his name.

"Jimin?" Jimin looked up from his hand to see a middle aged man holding another white rose.

"This is for you, from Yoongi" he smiled giving him the flower and walking away.


"Park Jimin?" A pair of twin teens smiled handing Jimin two white roses.

"Say yes!" They both shouted at the same time running away.

"He really loves you" a middle aged women came up to him, handing him his favourite boxes of chocolates.

"What is going on...." Jimin could help but cover his mouth and laugh.

"Park Jimin..." Jimin stood up turning around, and there he was, Min Yoongi himself, smiling and holding a bouquet of white roses.

"Yoongi" Jimin sighed and smiled, "what is- what is all this" he stuttered still in shock.

"This is me showing how much I love you" Yoongi replied.

Out of no where, a beautiful melody started to play Jimin peeped behind Yoongi to see a violinist.

"You did not...." Jimin covered his mouth trying to contain his laugh.

"Oh but I did" Yoongi smiled taking the roses and boxes of chocolates placing it on the bench, pulling the younger to him and placing his hands on his waist.

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