Chapter 22

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3 months later.
Lucys POV

"Harvey I hate when you do this." I Said laughing as he had tight  hold of my hands pulling the pair of us through the crowded streets of London.
"You'll love it, trust me." He said smiling turning back to face me.
"I hate surprises." I replied. He smirked and stopped in his tracks causing me to stop too.

"Okay, cover your eyes." I smiled at him and put my hands over my eyes while trying my best not to peak.

"Right stay there." He told me. I giggled lightly and I could here murmuring crowds.

A few strums of a guitar began to play and I smiled so big. I removed my hands they were covering my face.

"I got a phobia of being without you, I got a phobia of being alone. And I want you to know. That I'm not afraid. No, I'm save with you." His soft voice sang the lyrics of one of his songs. My favourite one of his.

He put his guitar down on the ground and the crowd got bigger.
"This is scarier than I imagined." He said laughing, "we're young, I know that. But you know when you know. And I found my soulmate Lucy. I found you, your my soulmate. I never would of done what I've done or accomplished what I have without you. I love you Lucy Cobban. I really do." He stopped speaking and took my hand in his. He knelt down on the ground and pulled out a small box.

Shit, Harvey Cantwell is proposing to me.

"So, since I love you with my whole heart. Will you marry me?" He said opening the box to reveal a diamond ring.

"Harvey!" I Said with tears streaming down my face.
"Yes, yes. Of course." I told him. He jumped up and kissed me on the lips, only a short one. Then engulfed me in his warm arms of a hug and kissed forehead, letting his lips linger for a few moments. He took the ring and placed it on my finger.

Crowds around us clapped shouting 'congrats'. I let out of the hug and smiled up at his gorgeous beaming face.

"I love you so much Harvey." I Said to him.

"One more thing." He said holding up his finger and grabbing my hand. Before I knew we were running through the crowds of people until we arrived at a restaurant.

"Harvey it says it's closed you dumbo." I told him.
"Yeah, closed for you." He said. He squeezed my hand and we walked in.

"Congratulations!" I heard people shout. I looked around and saw all of mine and Harvey's family and friends.

"Oh my god." I said smiling as I was clinging onto Harvey with my arms wrapped around him as I faced everyone.


Too quick? Oh well.

Lucy xo🍓

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