Chapter 10

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We manage to sneak out to the parking lot with out getting caught. I feel this liquid running through my vanes, and my heart is on over drive trying to supply blood to my mind cause it's obviously not working right. I've never done any thing like this. I was a good kid to scared of my parents to ever do any thing bad.

We are moving through the cars of the parking lot. When Dylan all the sudden squats down and leans against a blue Volo. "Get down." He says motioning me down to his level.

"There's no one around." I tell him. He slowly turns his head around the end of the Volo, taking a quick look. "All clear" he orders, then he runs across the street still keeping his low stance and ducks behind the closest car. I'm still standing next to the blue Volo.

What the hell is he doing he looks like a five year old playing cops and robbers, and he's a cop about to make a huge arrest. "Hadley I can tell you don't do this often". He yell/whispers to me still squatting next to the car.

"But you should probably move out of plane site" before I know it I am squatting down next to him. "Wow that was swift" he says cracking a grin. "Is this really necessary I feel like I'm five" I moan. He moves his head around frantically looking around at the empty parking lot. "And that's a bad thing because." He states not making eye contact with me. I don't respond I just stare at him and he stares at me.

"Squadron 5 says were clear, but to move fast cause they could come at any moment." He says braking the stare. "So we make a B line for the car." I say trying to get into it. "Copy that officer Andrews." He says saluting me. Then he's gone, and I follow him sprinting.

He pulls out his keys from his pocket. It all seems in slow motion like in those cop shows. He presses the unlock button and pushes the door open and jumps in with one fluid motion. I do the same and slam the door behind me. "That was a close one." He says breathing heavily.

Our breaths are both strained and in sink. I don't say any thing I just smile at him and him at me. I haven't felt that way since I was a kid, and now I never wanna go back.

Then you walked away (a Dylan O'brien fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now