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I saw her scruffed converse and heard her wild laughter before I saw her face which sounds strange thinking about it now but I had a feeling I wanted to know her.

I'm not the type to go up to people and introduce myself and I'm not going to lie she seemed very intimidating,but I'm glad I chose that day to stop staring at the ground and look up into her vibrant green eyes.

 "Hey" I have no idea what I'm doing I'm already late to class and I think I might die of embarrassment if  I stand here any longer.

"Hey" she smiled and locked her bright green bike onto the rack then stepping to the side of me.

Wow she's even more beautiful up close..God that was creepy i should probably respond before she thinks I'm wierd.

"Hi um  I just wanted to say I think your really cool I know you just started this school but I thought it would be nice if we hanged out sometime.. I mean if you wanted to I don't want to pressure you into anything I just... Y-yeah" I finished off lamely,  way to go timothée I mentally face palmed at my sputtering mess.

but she didn't laugh she just smiled again and said "thank you I don't think anyone has been as welcoming here," she pulled out a blue glitter pen from her pocket and grabbed my arm.

"I'll tell you what  here's my number and anytime you want to hang just give me a ring ok? " 

 "Ok" I managed to squeak out as she lets go of my pale lanky arm.

 "Goodbye timothée for now I'm dreadfully late" she did the cutest little wave and headed off to her class.

Of course I stood there like and idiot thinking holy shit she knows my name...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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