pt.54 ...

132 5 5

Blurry...that's all you could see,You can't hear anything as You look right and left and calling Out for someone

*You call for help*

*But nobody came*
You tried to walk around,but a Huge obstacle hit you making you flew across the room.

As you hit the wall,The pain on your back is unbearable.You tried to stand up but failed

You close your eyes for a good minute before Opening your eyes again.This time it's not too blurry

You could see what's in front of you,Fire surrounding you and a Rather blurry purple dot is you assume fighting an Big dark Object In front of it

You notice some kind of a Liquid on the floor and because you're curiosity got you better you decided to check it

You Place your hand on some kind of Liquid on the floor,you bring your hand that has touched the Liquid close to you so that you could see what's actually it is...

It's blood,Fresh blood

*Feeling terrified,You called for help*



*Somebody came*
Footsteps could be heard nearby,And a person is running up to you.They were keeping their Height down.You assume that they were trying to not get noticed while Running up to you

They bend down and tried to pick you up,You ask them who they are but only got a muffled answers

They bridal-style carried you away from what it seems the danger zone

But then a Sharp thing went through them.They stopped and Got on to their knees,They then drop you carefully

Your eyes got watery,And you sit up.You then lift their head by holding their cheeks

But then you felt like your soul is Going out from your body.You tried to Holding in your soul

Then,you could hear them speaking.You couldn't make up what they said but...






"...Y/N...! Hey,do you hear me?"
Snapping back to reality,You shake your head and look up in front of you
There you could see Nightmare with a Worried face

"What happened...?"
You ask trying to remember before that Kind of flashback played

"We were talking a minute ago before you froze up and stop talking"
You then proceeded Nightmare words and Nod.Nightmare then kiss your forehead trying to calm you down

This small gestures of him make you blush,Nightmare smile and Pat your head

In the distant you could see Moon smiling,He definitely Trust Nightmare to protect his little sister.Who knows that maybe he's gonna die and No one would be there to comfort his little sister

"Moon? Why are you smiling?"
Dream said staring at him,Moon sigh and Look at him

"Just looking at a Lovely couple.I wonder when I'll be given a Partner or something"
Moon keep on smiling while thinking of Getting a partner,Dream smile and Nod

"Maybe someday,You'll be given someone you could trust to take care of your heart"
Dream then glanced towards Cross who's Talking with Grillby.

"But definitely not now.It's far too dangerous,With that Percy guy around"
Moon said Gloomy,Dream then laugh nervously


Percy shout at one of his fighter.The fighter nod their head while explaining once again

"I don't need your Explainings,How did she's dead?!"
Percy rubbed his temple of nose sighing in frustration,He never knew that His First Ever creation Died

He was sure that Before his creation Almost Killed her

"Ugh... disappointing...!"
He closed his eyes and stand up.He then walk towards the fighter with a pissed off face

He then grab the fighter by his shoulders and whispered with venom dripping from his every words

"We're going to Do Plan B,Don't Mess up or

With that he let go of the fighter and leave the room.

|I've been thinking of doing a Sans X
|reader Oneshots,But I will be making
|It on my other account :)

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|  Thank you for reading |

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