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Jaycee's POV-

Thursday morning, Jackson and I went to our morning class together.

So many people have been staring at me in the hallways. Not many know exactly what happened, but they have to know something happened. I still have bruises on my face.

"Jack," I murmured as I tugged on his arm. When he looked back at me, I continued. "Please tell them to stop staring? It's making me uncomfortable."

I am fully capable of fighting my own battles, but right now I couldn't get myself to do it. I wasn't feeling well enough to confront all of these people.

"Can you all knock it off? Stop staring." He yelled to everyone in the hallway. Most looked away, except a group of 3 guys. One of them was in my biology class.

"Come on, man. You don't want anybody looking at how you hit your girlfriend?"

My jaw literally dropped; while I was still in shock, Jackson reacted by punching the guy right in the jaw. The guy's, Lincoln, head snapped to the side, but he quickly recollected himself.

"Hitting me just like you hit-"

"Lincoln, knock it off!" I screamed, cutting him off. The anger and hurt within me had built up.

Jackson, Lincoln, and everybody else in the hallway looked at me, surprised. I guess I wasn't known as the type to scream.

"I got jumped in the bathroom at the mall. You happy? Jackson has never hurt me and you're so damn stupid to think he would do that."

Lincoln was speechless, standing there. I reached out and hit his stomach as hard as I could. He grunted slightly.

"Sorry, man." Lincoln grumbled, awkwardly, before he and his friends walked away.

"You didn't have to tell them, Jace."

"And let the rumor of you hitting me and putting me in the hospital spread? No thanks." I rolled my eyes at his legitimate stupidity.

"You're seriously the best, Jaycee."

"You too, Jack." I chuckled. He leant down and kissed the tip of my nose.
"What time are we tutoring at?"

Jackson was surprised when he didn't get hated on as much as he thought he would after admitting he was being tutored.
Matt and Caleb had said it was probably because they all saw it coming, what with his grades and all.

It was kind of sad that so many people think so low of Jackson. I'm determined to help him to the best of my ability and prove these people wrong, prove to them all that Jackson Garfield is intelligent.

"I'm having lunch with Claire after class, so how's two?" After this class I didn't have any more classes until 5:30. Jackson only had two today; his other being at 8:00.

"Okay." He agreed.

When we got to class, Jack and I took our seats, preparing ourselves to be bored for the next 2 hours.

In the middle of a rather important lesson, I noticed from the corner of my eye Jackson drawing a picture when he should be listening.

When Professor Henry turned toward the chalkboard again, I hit Jackson's arm.
Jackson shot me a glare as he rubbed his arm. Then, I motioned to the front of the room and mouthed pay attention. He cocked his head to the side with a smirk on his face.

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