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Misha regained consciousness after what felt like an eternity. Surprised his body didn't ache anymore and the familiar pain in his stomach that had always accompanied him vanished, he studied his surroundings through the slits of his eyes trying to see if there was another person nearby.

System: [I know you are awake, Host please get up so I may inform you of your predicament]

Misha didn't move an as a voice echoed throughout the room. The system was gave an amused but impressed sigh. The system was an old entity and had many host before Misha, normally a person would at least flinch at the sudden situation but Misha looked as if he was really still sleeping. But after thinking about it more the system also looked at him with pity because it meant that Misha's life was so harsh he probably had no choice but to condition even his soul to stay calm else he meet harsh punishment. The system floated itself to Misha face until he was eye level with him before he spoke in a sad tone.

System: [...I promise not to hurt you. In fact, I'm here to help you. I am a system that guides young souls in achieve the happiness they couldn't obtain in their original lives. I heard you soul cry out the loudest out of all the candidates seeking help. Will you allow me to help you?]

Misha sat up at that. While living at the orphanage nobody wanted to help him and the few social workers who came to visit him only pushed and pulled him around based on what they believed was best for him. Nobody asked his opinion on what he needed or wanted never mind the fact what he believed he wanted help. Misha cautiously eyed the ball of light.

Misha: "...How do you think you can help me? What makes you think I want the help of a suspicious flying ball in the first place? Nothing is given freely, there must be something you want as well isn't there?"

System: [Well, to answer your first question I am a type of transmigration system. I can bring your soul to the most suitable world so you can live your life unaffected by fate in order to achieve your happiness and if that world isn't good enough we can keep migrating worlds until you are happy. As for me being suspicious, I don't expect you to trust me right away. To be honest I'm a retired system and I've always been fond of pure young souls so I've taken to having a host to guide. No matter what I say I can't prove it but if you come with me you will see that I won't break this promise.]

Misha: "What happens if I don't come with you?"

System: [Then you will simply reincarnate in your world like a normal soul. And don't believe in all that karma stuff. It is simply up to chance what your fate will be in your next life not your good or bad deeds.]

Misha: "I see...In that case I chose to come with you"

The system gave a sigh of relief. It really feared that Misha wouldn't believe it and decide to reincarnate instead. Life made the boy was very untrusting based on the memories it saw of Misha's short life.

Misha: "So what do I call you?"

System: [You can chose what to call me. I have no name]

Misha frowned at that. In the orphanage even abandoned babies were given a name after they were forced to take them in. A name was one of the few permenant things in the orphans' lives so it was regarded with great importance.

Misha: "Then I'll call you Wyatt. Since you look a floating lightbulb"

System: [...]

System: [That's a splendid name. Thank you for your consideration]

Misha: "You're very formal now. What you don't like the name?"

System: [No Misha, in fact the name is perfect. I was just a bit shocked. Thank you.] (Did he chose that name knowing it means guide?)

Misha: "Hmph! Then let's get started already!"

Wyatt smiled as Misha gave a small pout and although on the outside his words seemed rude, the tips of Misha's ears were tinted a light red color. Not wanting to embarrass Misha anymore Wyatt initialized the search for the most suitable world for Misha to begin his happiness.

Wyatt: [This is?!]

Misha: "What? Is something wrong?"

Wyatt glanced nervously at Misha for a moment before confirming the world chosen was really the correct one. He initialized the search a few more times but the same world kept coming back.

Wyatt: [Misha I forgot to tell you but you'll need to undergo some basic training before we can go into the world]

Misha: "But you didn-"

Wyatt: [Here's a list of eligible skills!]

Misha kept silent and once more cautiously looked at Wyatt. His expression shutting down to what Wyatt was trying to show him.

Wyatt: (Shit!)

Wyatt: [I'm sorry Misha. I shouldn't have cut off your opinions like that. It's just the world that was chosen for your first transmigration is so dangerous I got worried and went ahead of myself. I wanted to arm you with some skills to protect yourself so you don't end up as miserable as your first world. Please give me another chance.]

Misha thought about it a little and could see that Wyatt seemed sincere in what he said. In fact since the very beginning Misha could tell that Wyatt was sincere. He's always been good at differentiating the fakes and the genuine feeling of others when they tried to talk to him.

Misha: "Fine. Show me the skills"

1. Close Combat (beginner)

2. Sniping (beginner)

3. Firearms (beginner)

Misha raised his eyebrows at the list. He wondered what kind of world was so aggressive that Wyatt would present only martial skills. But he didn't mind, even at the orphanage he would have liked to have been able to fight but his body was much smaller than normal since he couldn't get enough nutrients to grow. He avoided fights since he was usually the one beaten and he was not low enough to attack the younger children just because he could bully the weak.

Misha: "Why only the skills only in beginner?"

Wyatt: [To be honest I would prefer to give you all the way until master but your soul is so young and wouldn't be able to handle the spiritual load. Luckily your soul is very pure and able to handle three at once. Something which is pretty rare]

Misha: (Me? A pure soul? I've seen a lot of bad things and never once stepped in to help. I mean I know I'm not evil or anything but I'm not a saint either. But if it means Wyatt is going to give me more skills I'm not going to refuse.)

The skills were infused with Misha's soul and once Wyatt was assured Misha could execute his skills smoothly he light the road leading to the new world.

Wyatt: [Now Misha, I lit the path to the new world. Once we get there I won't be able to interfere with anything going on but just know I'll be watching you and if you need anything just speak in your mind for any advice or if you ever feel lonely in your head and just want to chat.]

Misha looked at the brightly lit path surround by darkness. Then at the floating ball of light in front of him. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he stifflied the slight excitement and anxiety.

Misha: "I'm going"


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