Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


School again today. So easy. A lot of people think I am the smartest person in the Hotel. I'm not quite sure about that. You see Darrel is pretty smart when it comes to books, too bad he is totally useless in real life though. My bones may be hollow but I can still fight. He can't because he is too scared. Then there is Iris. Not a lot of people know this but she is actually really smart. They all just judge her for being in love with a vampire and don't even bother with talking to her. I might be one of the only ones who actually knows how smart she is. James would too of course.

The bell rang and I stood up and packed up my books. I really wish there was something I could do for Iris. Even her own pride rejects her. All this hate towards her is not good for her. I'm afraid she is going to snap.

When I walked out of the classroom Rose was standing there waiting for me.

"Hello," I greeted her.

"Hey," she replied and we walked together down the corridor.

"Rose can I ask you something?" I asked as I was putting my books into my locker.

"Sure go ahead," she replied watching me.

"I need you to be honest with me," I looked into her eyes.

"I will be," she replied and smiled sweetly.

"Do you hate Iris?" I asked.

"Where did that come from? ... ummmm.... maybe just a little," she told me.

"I see," I muttered closing my locker "Is that because she has a vampire boyfriend?"

"No it's because she always glares at me or pretends I just don't exist. I get that a lot of people hate her but she isn't exactly making it easy to like her," Rose explained.

"I guess you're right," I sighed.

"Why do you ask anyway?" she asked.

"Don't worry," I told her quickly seeing Sarah walking towards us.

"Meow guys!" She shouted. I smiled at her.


Today I was determined to annoy the old lady. Nick and I had even planned it.

As we walked into our maths class Nick sat in his usual spot but walked over to the other side of the room. There was a girl who was chatting away with her friends sitting in the seat I wanted to sit in. I grabbed the back of the chair and pulled it out so she fell on her ass.

"Move," I growled. She looked up at me and I swear she was about to scream. She then quickly moved out of the way and found another seat. I put the chair back down and sat in it. Sometimes it's nice to be feared. All the girls friends looked at me with pure horror on their faces.

I smiled back and ran my fingers through my short hair "Beautiful isn't it, I understand your jealousy," I said trying to sound like Maxina. They just kept staring at me and I laughed.

Cleo gave me a questioning look from across the room. "What are you planning?" she mouthed.

I blew her a kiss and mouthed "you'll find out."

She rolled her eyes.

I laughed again and realised that the girls friends were still looking at me. "Get over it," I growled and they looked away. I sensed their fear.

The teacher walked in and began the class. Of course I wasn't paying attention. The rest of the class was paying attention. Even when I was forced to do high school the first time I didn't pay attention. I guess I didn't get the best grades either but it never matter to me.

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