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Walking into the building Tessa showed in Thor's mind, Thor got his hammer ready. Upon closing the door from the outside world Thor turned around to see people starring at him.

"Hello." He smiles genuinely. "Someone call Strange." A man says causing Thor to be confused.

"I am just looking for Tessa. She is my friend. Best friends to be exact." Thor continued on rambling about Tessa causing the people around him to be even more confused.

"Get him out of here." A mans voice boomed. "Hello do you know where Tessa is?" Thor asked he man dressed in weird clothing and a red cloak.

"How'd he get in?" The man asks the people around him who just shrug.

"Does anyone know where Tessa is?" Thor asks.
"Why do you ask?" The man in the red cape walk closer making Thor grip his hammer harder.

"She's my best friend and she told to find her here.. in my mind.. she showed from in her mind to mine. She's got some greats abilities. Jaw breaking abilities." Thor rambled on about Tess which made the man even more annoyed. "You know what? I'll just give her back." He grumbled and disappeared as Thor kept talking about Tessa.

"She can turn invisible which I think is cool and kinda hot.."

"Tessa? Tessa!" Thor ran over and engulfed Tessa into a mighty hug.
"I was so afraid you'd be hurt!" Thor released her. Tessa shrugged "a bit but nothing compared to what I've been feeling and doing lately..."

"The whole group knows." Thor replies as he stroked her hair.
"I figured Stark would tell you guys."

"Tess why are you trying to kill yourself?"
"I dunno.. I'm feeling all these emotions that I can't control. I find out I have a sister, hell I have a family. And it's like I'm becoming human but I'm not. It's like I'm evolving."

"Of course you are." Stephen Strange scoffs.
"Shut up wizard boy no one asked."
"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange not wizard boy!"

"Anyway." Thor ignored the wizard man. "Lets get you back to the tower. Stark is having a party and if you want you don't have to stay. You could go lay down in your old room or possibly umm mine."

"Can you guys please leave!" Stephen asked.

"Okay that's sounds good." Tess said ignoring Strange.
With that the two left the building and headed back to the tower to get ready for a night of unpredicted chaos soon to be unreleased. A created a monster waiting in the dark..

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