•|No Stranger To Death|•

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Wednesday, June 7, 2028 | Day Of The Full Moon


  "Hey." The sound of a familiar voice grabbed my attention as I stood near the lake that had been in front of Hayley's home. Hope had been standing next to me with her hands in the pocket of her dark gray unzipped sweater.

  "Your parents should be here anytime now."

  "I know." Hope nodded. "But I wanted to speak with you."

  "Of course." I nodded, staring into the water.

  "Remember when my dad was in that sleeping spell?" She asked. "You and I, we had this bond. A really close relationship. Annnnd then you and my mom broke up. You distanced yourself from me. Why?"

    The question that Hope had asked was rather loaded. There was no exact reason for me to allow a distance to come between the two of us.

  "It was unintentional." I answered. "However, I did think that I had been doing you a favor. My intentions were precisely to set only the distance between your mother and me. Not you and I."

    Hope licked her lips and nodded her head as she looked up at me. "Hayley is going to be in your life forever, Elijah." She spoke. "You and I both know that my dad is right. You should apologize to her. And for me, I think that you should at least be friends. Because we're family. Always and forever."

    A smirk had crossed my face as I chuckled slightly followed by a scoff. I looked down at Hope and I had assumed that she was wondering why I had been smiling at her.

  "You know, you remind me a lot of your aunt Rebekah." I nodded. "Without the two of you, always and forever would probably be something forgotten.....so thank you. For carrying on that legacy."

  "Don't thank me." Hope responded. "Thank my mom. She's the one who taught it to me." After Hope's words, she began to walk away and I watched. But then I grabbed her attention.

  "Hope?" I called, causing her to turn around to me. "I'll be sure to apologize to your mother," I held up my left hand and put my index finger and middle finger together before placing waving them and placing them over my heart. "you have have my word." Hope smiled at me as she had done the same.


    Hayley and I have never had a car ride this quiet. In fact, maybe only ten words from the both of us had been shared total. She had no idea of what had been on my mind and I had no idea of what had been on hers. However, I do believe that I wanted to ease the tension.

  "I spoke with Elijah a few days ago." My low voice sounded as I broke the silence. "He told me why he walked away from you when I tried to get him to apologize."

    I knew that Hayley had been acknowledging my words, she just hadn't been speaking back to me at the moment.

  "He came up with this crazy theory that you were in love with me." I chuckled, keeping my eyes on the road. "He thought you were going to leave him for me. But that would be the stupidest thing that any smart woman could do." When I looked over at Hayley, she had been staring out of the window making me think that she hadn't been listening. It also made me think that it was true. Why hasn't she denied it yet? I thought to myself before I turned my attention back onto the road. "Because she is smart enough to know that loving me would break her."

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