Chapter 3: Feelings Fiasco

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Error slowly opens his eyes, feeling his body warm up. 'W-What is this?' Error looked to see Fresh's jacket on him. Error instantly blushed a deep yellow. 'How the Frick did this get on me?' He thought, as he sat up to see no one.

"Hello?.. Fresh?.." Error looked back at the jacket and then hugged it. 'So warm... So soft... So small...' Error then folded it and summoned a portal. 'He's probably in OuterTale, I'll just check just in case he's there.. Or maybe he's with Ink.. Ugh, I don't even know..'

Error stepped through the portal and closed it. Error looked atound to see the smaller skeleton sitting on the edge of a cliff. "Hey parasite. Here's your jacket." Error said, as he threw it at him. "Oh! Hey, Broskie!" Fresh said, catching his jacket clumsily.

Error then sat next to Fresh and looked at the beautiful stars. "Why did you put your stupid jacket on me?" Error said, a little annoyed. "Oh, well. I went to go and bother you some more, but you were asleep and you were shaking a little. So, I thought you were cold and that's why I laid my jacket on you!" Error then realized that the smaller didn't speak in his usual 90's slang.

"...Um, Fresh, are you... Okay?.." Fresh looked down. "I don't know, Bruh. I just have this gut feeling, that I've been here before.. Like, a long time ago.." Error's eyes widened, as Fresh smiled, looking back up the stars. "Nah, it's probably just my imagination, Bruh.. Your mind can do unrad things to ya, ya know.." Error frowned.

'No, think a little harder, please.. Fresh, please, I want you to remember us when we were Kids, please... What's the use... He can't really feel emotions... But, I did kiss him and when I said his eyes were beautiful... He blushed... Maybe if I try hard enough, I can make him remember!' Error was now excited and determined to make Fresh remember.

"Hey, Fresh." Fresh looked over to Error. "Yeah, Broskie? " Error stayed quiet for a second and asked. "Do you.. Wanna get some Nice cream with me?" Fresh was a little surprise and shock at what Error said. "Sure!" Fresh said happily. Error then looked at the smaller, as a happy smile appeared on Fresh's face. This made Error really happy. "Okay, let's go!" Error got up and gave Fresh a hand. Fresh happily took it.

They then both got some nice cream and sat at a small cliff, looking at the stars. "So, Broskie, ya still making those dolls?" Error nodded. "Yeah, why?" Error looked at Fresh. "Well, Ink said he would like one." Error was a bit confused now. "Why would he want a doll?" Fresh shrugged.

"I dunno, my homie." Error frowned. "I'm not your homie." Fresh just smiled. "Ya sure, Broskie?.. I mean... It's not often I call someone my homie." Fresh stated blankly. "Oookay then, anyways I got to go." Fresh nodded, as Error got up. "Oh and Fresh?" Fresh looked up at Error. "Yeah?" Error then smiled a small smile at the smaller skeleton.

"Thank you..." Fresh gave Error a confused look, but before Fresh could say anything, Error had left. 'Why did he thank me? I'm so confused... And w-what are these feelings?' Fresh looked back up at the stars and smiled. "I feel so.. H-Happy..." Fresh said happily, as he gazed at the stars above.

Error then teleported to UnderLust?.. Error froze and then felt annoyed. 'How the Frick did I ended up here?!' Error looked around to see a sign, 'Welcome to Snowdin!'. "Hello, Hottie~"

Error slowly turned around to see, Lust Sans. "What the Frick do you want, Freak..." Lust Sans smiled, lustfully. "I wanna fuck you so hard, till you can't walk~" Error slowly backed up amd growled. "How bout you fuck yourself and let me leave!!" Lust Sans just smiled. "Heh, how bout no and I already fucked myself, but it's better when you have a toy~" Error backed away even more.

"Yo, Broskie! Why'd ya come to this Au, Bruh?" Error jumped to see Fresh. Fresh then saw Lust Sans and frowned. "Well, well, well. Looks like I have two fuck toys now~" Fresh then grabbed Error's hand, making Error blush and jumped through a portal, quickly closing it behind them.

"Why on earth did you go there!?" The smaller asked. "I didn't even know I was there. Until, I saw Lust Sans.." Error explained, as Fresh nodded. "I hate that place... Hey! Why don't we destroy it!" Fresh said, excitedly. "I wish I could, But I can't... It's like it's protected by something.. But, trust me, I would have destroyed that Au a long time ago if I could.." Error sat down on the couch.

"Wait, where are we?" Fresh sat next to him. "We're in UnderSwap." Error looked around. "Where are the Brothers then?" Fresh looked around the room too. "I think this one is a Genocide Timeline.." Fresh said, plainly. "You're right.."

Fresh then got up. "Anyways, can I go to the Anti-Void and stay there for a little bit? I already asked Ink and he said no..." Error got up and opened a portal. "Sure, but I won't be there for a couple of hours, Just don't mess with anything, okay?" Fresh nodded and thanked Error. They then went there separate ways.

Fresh looked around the empty void. 'Okay, now what?' Fresh saw a couch and a T.V. Fresh then walked over to the couch and sat down, while turning the T.V on. "Hmm, just MTT. Oh well.. " Fresh said, clearly bored, as he laid down, slowly falling asleep.

Error looked for Ink in every Au. Until, he found him. "Ink! I need to ask you something!" Ink looked at Error. "Hmm, what is it?" Error walked closer. "It's about Fresh..." Ink looked around at the beautiful scenery. "What about him?" Error looked down at the light colored green grass.

"I... I think he can.. Feel emotions..." Ink looked a little surprise and shocked at what Error said. "What do you mean? He's a Parasite, as in he can't feel anything!!" Error looked at Ink straight in the eyes. "A long time ago, when we were Kids. I kissed Fresh and he blushed. Are you sure a Parasite can't feel because, I think he can.. Heck, he was even crying when I first saw him, he was sad.. And sadness is an emotion, right?.."

Ink was now completely shocked. "Y-You're right.. But, he said he couldn't feel anything.. I even made it where he was at 1 Hp, before he let me hurt him.. No, he asked me to do it and he said he felt nothing. You could even tell he feels nothing." Ink explained.

"I don't know.. Anyways, I need to get back to the void. Fresh is probably still there, waiting for me to come, just so he can bother me." Ink nodded, as Error went back to the place he called, 'Home'.

{Like what I said in Chapter 2. Other Chapters are gonna be publish, slowly. Since, I'm using my phone cause my laptop won't work with me. Tell me if there's something wrong with the story. Like any wrong spelling and stuff. Blah blah blah, if you're reading this, have fun! If you were curious, that picture up there was mine! Oh, you weren't curious? Ok..}

1182 words. (If you were curious, My description doesn't count on the 1182 words. Just like the other chapters.)

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