15| Home Once Again

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With horned rabbit resting on my tail, I make my way out of the rubble. However, as I head back home, I feel like I'm forgetting something.

Oh right, the basket. I remember I used it against the wolves and I'm kind of sad that it had to be destroyed so soon after its creation. Maybe I can still repair it? It's not that hard to make them, but it is very tedious and takes a lot of time.

I search around the riverbank and find the pile of fruits, stones, and wood. In the center of the mess is a shredded mass of leaves and grass.

Yeah, the basket is beyond saving. It's split into hundreds of tiny pieces. The biggest part of the basket still intact is only the size of a fruit. I'm a bit disappointed, but at least I have a spare. Here's hoping that one lasts more than a day.

Sighing, I filter through the mess. There are some things that could still be used to create something, but I don't feel like carrying them back, I can just as easily find similar ones anywhere else.

I turn to leave. As I do so, a green furry object catches my eye. It's the first wolf I killed in the fight. A large portion of fur around its neck is dyed red. I approach the wolf to get a better look.

There's this question that has been bugging me since the fight ended. What happened to me at that moment?

When I saw horned rabbit, something overcame me. It felt like I was being possessed by another being, yet at the same time, I was in control of all my actions. I remember it clearly, deciding to use my claws, biting into its neck. Was it hate? Anger? It wasn't even about horned rabbit anymore, all I wanted was the wolf to just die.

I'm reminded of the taste of the wolf's blood. It's nasty, the smell is horrible and it feels icky and slimy. It's definitely something I don't want to experience again.

Yet... why do I keep thinking about it? This is the first time I've ever encountered a wolf, much less killed a wolf. So why did it taste so familiar?

I feel something trail down the side of my mouth. I wipe it off and see a line of saliva on the back of my hand.

I'm... drooling? No, stop it, it's disgusting. As if I would like something so nasty and gross. I already have fruits and berries. I'm not desperate enough to eat something like a wolf that tried to kill me. So forget about it and leave.

I slap my cheeks and force myself to look away from the corpse, but I keep glancing back against my will.

Quit looking at the wolf! Its horrible, its dead, and it probably has rabies. Nothing about it looks remotely appetizing. If go near it, I might contract all kinds of diseases. I probably only feel this way because I haven't eaten since this morning, and I must be very hungry after the intense fight we had just now. So stop thinking about it and look away, the wolf is nothing but a tasty meat bag.

Ah! I meant rotten! Rotten meat bag. It's rotten, see? It's completely colored green! Alright, just turn around and walk away from the mea- the wolf. Walk away from the wolf.


I look back and see horned rabbit nod at the wolf. It seems my inner struggle was obvious.

Sorry to keep you waiting horned rabbit, we'll head back home now.


As I turn around to leave, horned rabbit pulls at my tail and points to the wolf with a paw.


Huh? Are you telling me to take it? No, horned rabbit, you misunderstand. I don't want it, in fact, I want to get away from it, like, right now.

Shaking my head, I continue to walk. Horned rabbit pulls at my tail again, this time with a bit more force. When I look back, horned rabbit points at the wolf once more.

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