Chapter 29: Drinks, Needles & Disappointment

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This book is coming to a close, a few more chapters to go.
The elevator comes to a stop, and the metal walls of it slowly get covered by the fake walls of the storage closet. I smirk.
We're geniuses for that. Now, let's take back our club.
I sigh and open the door of the closet. I'm immediately met with loud music and the annoying laughter of people.
How fucking dare they have fun in our home, kill them. ALL OF THEM, KILL THEM.
My eye twitches and I shake my head, "No." I could barely hear my voice over the loud music.

I walk around the corner and instantly see hundreds of people crammed into this building, my eyes scan across each and every one of them.

All of them have their own story of why they are here, in this building, at this time.
I already notice some eyes staring at me, probably wondering why I was in the closet.
I walk to the bar, and wave my hand at the bartender. But bartender simply ignores me. I frown, "How rude." I reach down to my thigh and move the lace skirt aside to reveal my dagger. I effortlessly take it out of the holster and fling it at the ignorant man. The dagger flies past his face and hits the wall behind him. His eyes widen and he looks over at me, pulling a gun out and aiming it at me.
Everyone around stops and stares at us.
I smirk and tilt my head. "Shoot me, I fucking dare you." Somewhere during my words the music cuts out and I hear the drunk people protest.
I see the man put his finger on the trigger, "Who are you?" He glares.
I click my nails against the counter top, "I think the question is, Who are you?" I wink, "I'll give you three hints on who I am. For each name you get wrong, I kill one person at the bar." I look over at the people at the bar, whose faces have gone pale and their eyes wide. One attempts to run away but one of my guards effortlessly stops them.
I stand up and walk over to them, "How dare you run from me, don't you have any idea who I am?" I scowl,
Kill them, they disrespected us.
The person the guards are holding, a young looking male, shakes his head. "I-I don't know who y-you are.."

I slowly turn to the bartender, "Well? Who am I?"
All the eyes in the club turn to him, and he starts to shake.
Kill them. All of them. Now, quickly, GO!
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shout, randomly. The man in the guards arm faints and I start to hit my temple with my hand, "Shut up.. Shut up.. Shut u-" Suddenly I feel someone approach me. I widen my eyes and turn my head around, Mateo is standing behind me. And a needle is in my arm.

Within seconds, I feel like I'm in a daze, and I hear Mateo's voice whisper in my ear. "Command your guards to backs own."

I turn my head to my guards slowly and lift my hand, they release the man, and he thanks Mateo before running into the crowd.
I stare at the crowd, my lips mumbling the words. "Listen. Obey. No hesitation." Over, and over.
In the corner of my eye I see Mateos lips lift into a smirk, "Now let's go downstairs.. We have business to discuss."
I slowly nod my head and make my way to the elevator, the club in complete since besides the footsteps of Mateo and I.

Mateo opens the door and I slowly walk in, effortlessly moving the object in the way of the buttons. I click the ground floor and punch in my number.

We begin to move.
I stare ahead, my eyes dazed over. It seems like only a second till we reach the bottom. The elevator opens and Mateo grabs my hand, he begins to pull me past the guards and towards my office.

We pass by a confused Celestine who stops him, I see her lips move but don't hear anything. Mateo simply smirks at her and whispers something in her ear, the continues to pull me towards my office.


Celestine's P.O.V.

Where is she..
I sigh, continuing down the long halls of our underground base. None of the guards have seen Raven downstairs, so that means she has to of gone up. Which she hasn't done since this base was built. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, I know she's scared of the outside world and that the other part of her is going to wake up and kill everyone.

I had become so lost in thought I didn't see the elevator open with Mateo and a dazed Raven inside, until they were right in front of me.

First I saw their hands locked together, then Mateos eyes filled with greed. I stop him by lifting my hand and stepping in front of him. "What do you think you are doing?" I glare at him.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Be a good girl, and make sure no one comes into the office for a while.. Raven and I have some business.." He smirks, then pulls away and leads Raven towards her office. She makes eye contact with me but I don't think she saw me.
I had only seen her look that way once...

My eyes widen, but by the time I had turned around they were already locked inside her office. "SHIT!" I mumble, then run off to find Sin.

Ravens P.O.V.

The clicking of the lock echoes throughout the previously silent room.
I stand in the middle of the room, my hands clenched at my side and my right eye twitching violently.

I feel Mateo standing behind me, "Tell me where my Uncle is, little bird."

I straighten my back and cough, "Your uncle is currently locked in the dungeons below. The only way inside is if you are me."

He nods, "Good. Now unlock the room."

I grit my teeth and make my way to my desk. "Yes, sir." the words slip out of my mouth with no hesitation. I sit on my chair and open my laptop. I begin to log onto my secure accounts. Then I type the code into the box on the screen.

I press enter and then stand up, the wall behind me moves to the side, forming a door.

Mateo smirks and walks towards it, grabbing my arm and pulling me with him. "You have my uncle, but what about my cousin? Was she ever really captured?"

I nod my head, "She was. But when I discovered someone else had I immediately took her myself. I damaged her brain to the point where she forgets everything."

This drug is a lot more effective than the ones Tío use to give me.

We walk down a set of spiral stairs until we get to a door with a scan.

I glance at Mateo, then lift my wrist. The barcode on my wrist, which most people assume is for show, is pressed against the scanner. The door opens after a few seconds.

We walk inside, and Mateo releases me.
The door closes behind us and I turn on the lights with a simple clap.

In the middle of the room, as always, Tío is hanging from chains. His body scarred, bruised and cut open. I mentally smirk.

Mateo scowls and walks up to him, waking him up. "Tío? It's me, Mateo. Wake up, old man."

I simply watch, as my plan slowly falls apart. Or is it?
Sorry for making you guys wait so long.
(1307 words.)

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