Chapter 6: Haemophobia

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Billy's POV

First class was History. One of the most boring class out of all. Wish Elliot was here... he is funny and very good at history. Why does he have to be one year older than me.... I walked into class just in time, the lesson was about to start "Mr. McDavey, please hurry up and take a seat" "Yes sir" I nodded. I sat in the usual spot and tried to my best to pay attention to whatever he is talking but seemed like my effort would be a waste.

After what felt like an eternity, the bell finallly agreed to ring, and I'm more happy to hear it. A few more class until lunch time.

Right, what next? English. Tanalyn' favourite class. Unfortunately, only me and Karla are junior and we only meet in Physics, Biology and Maths. I walked to my locker and saw Dylan. He didn't look very happy, i wonder why. Then Paton walked up. "Uhmmm... hey, why does Dylan look sad?" I asked. Paton looked a bit taken back by me question. He sighed and answered "We... nevermind, you'll know" he said. Huh, weird. Interesting. Paton walked up to Dylan. They talked in a very serious tone. I spied them for a while. Creepy? I think not.

Play the song to add special effects! (Taylor Swift - Safe and Sound feat. The Civil Wars (The Hunger Games: Songs From District 12 And Beyond)

Dylan ran a hand through his hand distressly. Then he put his hand on his mouth and seemed to be letting tears rolled down. All of the sudden, he turned back and ran towards the bathroom while Paton just stood there, looking at his feet, biting his lips.

I followed behind Dylan and finally reached him. All those days running away from the ghoolies finally paid off. "Dylan!" I shouted in the restroom. "I know you're in here, show yourself" I told to wherever he was "What" he yelled, walking out of a bathroom stall. "Tell me what happened" "Why would you care?" Ouch. That hurt. "Look, I've just wanna help you, you're my brother's boyfriend" I said. More tears flowed down. What got him in so much pain? "N-no-not any-nymore..." He finally managed to mutter. I slowly began to understand. I pulled him in for a hug. We finally pulled out and he told me everything. "Uh huh, I get it now..." I understood. "Well, look, I'm his brother so I can quite think why he told you then" I tried to cheer him up. Well it's true, it would be a lot better to told him before it was too late. "I think that he really had feelings for Meryl more than he had for you" "Then why didn't he told me at the start?" He started to panic. "He did have feelings for you remember?" "Yeah... then why did he tell me now?" "It was for the better. Imagine if you're totally in love with him and he told you that he had emotion for another girl" "true..." he said.

I pulled him in for a hug and rub my hand in a circle on his bag. "It's gonna be fine, don't worry..." I said. He just cried out more. After a few minutes, we pulled away. "At least he wasn't playing with your emotions like those kinds of girls, ugh, I've been there, trust me" I jokingly said with a chuckle. He left out a slight laugh. "Wanna have some tissue man?" "Yeah..." he said wiping out his tears. "There you go. Hey, isn't letting everything out better?" I joked. "Yeah..." he giggled. We stood up and he walked out first. I'm glad that I could help him. I didn't want to be useless.

I took a few steps out of the restroom, currently the period before lunch, and got pushed into the lockers. "Aye look, the chicken is taking a walk, alone" Alex said, following a punch. "Where's your puppy, chicken?" He said with another punch. He let go of me and the others kept firing punches and kicks at all parts of my body. I crawled into a ball, with my arms protecting my face. A few kicks hit my stomachs, some in my ribs. I fell half unconscious, half awake. I could feel them pull me into an empty class room.

This was not going to end good... i couldn't take it in anymore. I vomited out blood and my breakfast. I couldn't feel anything next and right after they left me there, all I remembered was falling into an abyss of darkness

Anne's POV

This morning, I bumped into a cute guy. He, must say, wasn't that bad. Wavy, a bit long, brown hair, grayish blue-pastel blue eyes. Beside that, he was a bit short and a bit thin, but overall, he looked fine. Since then, my mind had quite an expression on him. It's lunchtime now. I didn't want to eat so I tried to sneak into an empty classroom, escaping from Christina's grab. Luckily, she was distracted by her other best friend, Meryl - though we weren't very close.

I sneaked into an empty classroom and there, to my horror, Billy - the guy who I said was cute - laid motionless. "Billy!" I gasped. He didn't reply. "Oh my god, what happened to you Billy?!" I asked rhetorically. I shook his shoulder slightly but he only replied with pain shown on his face. He puked some blood on the floor and on his shirt. Oh no, this wasn't right, it looked like he was on a period for three days without tampon.

Then, I heard a buzz from his bag, and looked for source of noise. It was his phone. Big bro it showed. "Hello?" I picked up. "Oh hi Billy, where are you? You got whole gang worried..." the guy on other end said. "This is not Billy, I got your brother, but he is in severe pain. Come pick him up now, uhhh room..." I quickly ran out to checked "201" I quickly said. "What happened? I'm coming" he hung up. I quickly examine him, blood from... his lips, a cut on his cheeks, heart rate very high. I pulled up his shirt and to my shock, there were bruises all over him. "This is bad, really bad" I whispered to myself

A while later, the door bursted open and who, I guessed, was his brother, the one who called. "Oh no Billy, what have they done to you?" He rushed over to check. A girl came over to. "God, what happened?!" She gasped. The guy hurriedly examine him. "Veira, second layer, pencil case, alcohol swag, now!" And with that, the girl, 'Veira' looked over his bag to check. She threw it to him and his bro caught it like a ball. Ripped it open it wiped out the blood and steins. He bit a piece of cloth of his plaid over shirt and ripped it and tie it around the cut under his shirt, which was bleeding. Boi, this guy knew some emergency medics.

Everything happened so quickly, as if I was watching a car race. "Is the infirmary up today?" He asked, I assumed to me. "No, she is still on vacation". He looked disappointed "Go get Dylan" he told Veira " We got to get him to the hospital" She jogged out of the room. He sat down, blood covered his hand. "Thank you for your help, you saved my brother..." he thanked, sat and leaned against the wall. "It was... nothing, I just sneaked in here to read. Silence took over again.

Soon after, a guy, 'Dylan' came in. "Oh what the?! I have haemophobia so bye!" He said, exiting the room but was blocked by Veira. "Dylan, I know you're mad at me but I need your help... please" Big bro said. Dylan sighed and said "Lets get going". Just that, the bell rang. Great, now we were have to face a bunch of eyes. "Uhmm... we need you to come along too, do you mind?" "No, not at all" finally, an escape from school.

"Anne" I said, "Paton" Paton replied. Paton carried Billy over his shoulders. We jogged to Dylan's car. Dylan seemed... a bit sad, wonder why... he started the car and soon enough, we were on our way. "Charles street, Pasteur Hospital" Paton informed. These people have something with saying short sentences. Billy laid on the back with his rest over Veira's lap with Paton kneeling beside. I sat at the front and Dylan drove. *10 minutes later* we were there.


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